{29: Going home and working at the bakery}

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In Marinette's house, Marinette takes off her jacket and boots.

Sabine: Hey, honey.

Marinette: Hey.

Tom: Good thing they let you all go home early. *He poured a mug of hot cocoa and gave the mug to her. * Made some cocoa to warm you up.

 * Made some cocoa to warm you up

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Marinette: Thanks, dad. *She blows on the mug and slowly drinks her cocoa. * Taste delicious.

Tom: It is, huh? My mom made cocoa whenever she came over sometimes.

Marinette: Think she'll come over soon?

Sabine: I don't know. What do you think, Tom? *She took another sip of cocoa. *

Tom: Not sure. I'll ask her when I get a chance. Marinette, later on when you're all warmed up. Wanna help me with the bakery for a little bit?

Marinette: Sure.

Tom: Good. *They enjoyed their cocoa, Sabine rocked Mei to sleep, put a pacifier in her mouth as she put her in her crib, and tucked her in. *

Sabine: There you go, honey

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Sabine: There you go, honey. Get some rest. *She walks to the kitchen and gets some more cocoa. In Adrien's room, Adrien was doing his Chinese lesson with a Chinese teacher, Li Miranda. *

Li Miranda: Hello, Adrien

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Li Miranda: Hello, Adrien.

Adrien: Hello, Mrs. Li.

Li Miranda: Are you ready for your Chinese lesson?

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