Chapter 2: Ņew friends

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Grabbing the mysterious persons hand Luz avoided eye contact "thankyou"

"I didnt mean to bother you I was just exploring" luz said picking up her red glasses that resembled her mothers.

"Oh no no, it's okay I'm glad you're okay though" the green haired student seemed to have a blush on their face Luz ignored that though thinking she was imagining it.

"Um what are you working on?" Luz pointed to the half built robot on the table.

The robotics majors eyes brightened as she grabbed Luz's hand dragging to the table.

Luz was shocked by the excitement from the student, they seemed grumpy and tired but now they seem like a nice dork.

"I been working on a project for class" they pushed their sketchbook towards Luz before turning the robot to face her.

"Its just a simple robot but were supposed to give it a new design" they explained with starry eyes, luz looked at the sketches is awe. The brilliant designs to every single sketch becoming better and better had Luz is amazement.

"These are amazing. Their all so cool" luz looked up and the student that had the most dorky smile ever.

Luz laughed not being able to control herself, they tilted their head in confusion before turning red "ah dang, sorry no one really asks about my work so i get excited when they do." They looked away in embarrassment.

Luz noticed she had embarrassed them and started to panic "no no! Im sorry I didnt mean to embarrass you I just found it cute you got excited!" 'Cute?! Really Luz?!'

They looked at her still red "oh um thankyou" they rubbed their neck "oh! I'm Amity, Amity blight" they stuck out their hand to Luz.

"I'm Luz, luz Noceda" luz shook Amity's hand "....Noceda" Amity mumbled looking flustered.

Realization struck Amity as she noticed she said that outloud. "You have a pretty name" she stood up putting her sketchbook in their bag.

"So do you!" Luz stood up awkwardly. "Um well, it's like 2am so you should probably go back to your dorm" Amity laughed.

Luz stiffened. It is 2am, her friend must be worried but something else was on her mind she felt worried.

Amity noticed, almost instantly knowing what was wrong. "I can walk you back to your dorm if you'd like" luz smile "yes please, I'm in building B" Amity picked up the half built robot.

"So am I, what floor are you on?" They asked Luz "floor 8" Amity nodded happily "I'm on the same floor" they both started to walk together to the building.

The only noise was the leaves moving in the breeze other than that it was quite quiet which Amity found strange because this is a college campus.

The quietness between the two was comfortable. Luz felt weird, she just met this person and felt so safe and comfortable with them almost as if they had known eachother for a while.

Amity couldnt help but looks a Luz every few seconds. Luz never noticed though. Walking up to the building you could hear student laughing.

Luz stopped feeling nervous, she already had bad experiences with intoxicated people.

"Its okays I'll be right here" Amity reassured Luz with a smile. Smiling back they walk to the elevator hearing some whispers.

"Who's that with blight?" Luz thought that was strange "she looks happy to be with that girl" luz turned to see a few guys with weird expressions staring at them as they enter the elevator.

"What was that about?" Luz questioned Amity turning to look up at her noticing she was a few inches taller.

"I'm not sure" Amity responded nervously, pressing the 8 button. Amity arms start to hurt holding thr heavy parts but they said nothing.

As the elevator doors opened they stepped out seeing two boy messing around at the door of their dorm.

Moving passed them carefully Amity stops "oh, what room are you?" Luz points "68" amity smiled walking to the room "I guess we're roommates"

Luz happily opened the door 'yes! I did get a hot roommate' stepping in the dorm luz turned on the light while Amity put her stuff down.

"Luz. Noceda." Luz slowly turned to the bedroom door to see willow and gus standing there disappointed.

"Oh um hey gays!" She finger gunned awkwardly walking back to the door slowly.

"Luz sit down" willow said harshly, luz sat down quickly looking at the grown hills Amity stood beside her awkwardly not knowing what was going on.

"You dont respond to any of my messages and make me worry then you come home at 3am with a man!" Willow stopped for a second taking a double take on Amity.

"Yeah uh, not a man" Amity laughed "and honestly I feel offended willow" amity crossed their arms "how do you-" willow gasped dramatically pointing at Amity "YOU"

Amity smiled. "Me." Willow Hugged them "I thought I'd never see you again!" They pulled away "I thought the same.

Gus and Luz looked at eachother in confusion. "Whats going on?" Luz asked "oh yeah" amity said nervously "we met at science camp when we were 14" willow finished.

"And you two remember eachother that well" gus wasnt convinced. "Well yeah we had alot of fun together and were eachothers first friends" amity rubbed her arm.

They all sat and talked for a bit and ended up on a sensitive topic. "So Amity how are your siblings and patents" amity looked down sadly

"Edric and Emira are ok, they both finished school 3 years early so they have their own business I haven't talked to them in 3 years." Amity sighed leaning back.

"And your parents?" Gus asked not getting the hint, willow elbowed his arm "ow willow!" Amity started to pick at her nails nervously.

"I dont wanna talk about it" she stood up and walked to the small bedroom. "You guys should go to bed" luz said with a sad smile.

"See you later Luz" willow said they both waved goodbye as they left Luz locked the door behind them.

Walking to the bedroom Amity sat on the bed already changed sitting on her bed the had quickly put something in the nightstand.

"I'm sorry about gus" luz sat on the edge of Amitys bed "its okay, it's not his fault" luz leaned over Amity hugging them Amity took a mintue before hugging back. Pulling away Amity turns away.

"Thanks luz. It's late though we should sleep" they messed with their sleeves "goodnight Noceda" luz smiled and turned off the light. "Goodnight Blight"

So what do you think so far? Should I continue this book?.


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