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The sound of screams, cries... Those were the only sounds that emitted throughout the house that day. I remember it vividly like it was just yesterday...

When I was little, I used to live a happy life, with both my parents always by my side. But as time went on, things started to change...

When I was four years old, my dad started to become really distant from my mom and I. I didn't really think much of it at first, until things started to escalate..

My parents would begin to argue almost every day whenever my dad would return home from who knows where. They were always screaming and shouting at each other about things that I hardly even understood at the time.

My home remained in this toxic state for months. I dreaded every moment I had to step foot inside the house to hear nothing but screaming or tense silence. I desperately wanted to just wake up one morning to find that everything was ok and that things could finally go back to the way they once were, but life sadly doesn't work that way..

I've learnt that clearly ever since that fateful day came...

I remember waking up one night in horror at the sound of my mom screaming at the top of her lungs. I immediately burst out of my room and rushed downstairs to find her in the hallway with dad who had just arrived home.

I sat quietly on the stairs and watched as she was practically begging for what I assumed to be my dad's forgiveness. Dad only stood there stone faced as he silently listened to her desperate cries.

"Please! Don't leave me and our baby!" Mom pleaded grabbing onto his arm. "We can still find a way to work things out. Just please don't do this!"

"Enough!" My father suddenly snapped in anger. "I already told you that there's nothing you can do to change my mind!" His voice calmed down a bit as he turned away from mom. I could see the tears beginning to well in her eyes as he spoke the two final words that made my heart shatter.

"Goodbye Shannon..." He then gently shoved my mom to the floor as her grip slowly released from his arm. He then stormed over to the doorway, grabbed the handle and walked out as he slammed it behind him, causing me to flitch slightly.

My mom was then left alone, fallen on her knees as tears began to stream uncontrollably down her face. I could feel my eyes widening as I stared at her blankly when the sudden realization came to me...

"Daddy's gone..." I finally spoke in a low tone, tears slowly trickling down my cheeks without me even realizing. "Daddy left us..." I choked, shutting my eyes tightly in hopes of escaping the sudden reality I was forced to face.

But then, I began to hear a voice, a familiar voice...calling my name...

"Zander..." They called once again. They sounded so close, but so far away at the same time.

"Zander..." There it was again. They sounded much clearer than before, but I still couldn't tell who it was...

"ZANDER!" My eyes shot open as I sat up in a cold sweat. I looked around and realized that I was no longer sitting on the stairs within my old home. I was inside my bedroom...

"It was all just a dream..." I muttered to myself as I placed a hand on my forehead.

"Zander, wake up already!" I heard my step-sister call from just outside the room. "The others are gonna be here for practice soon!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I removed my hand from my forehead and slowly began to feel my face. I suddenly became shocked as I felt damp tear marks remaining on my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away as I replied, "I'll be down in a minute!"

I then roughly grabbed my bedsheets and threw them to the opposite side as I sat up on the right side of my bed, contemplating to myself. I let out a heavy sigh as I kept my eyes fixed on the lavender carpet floor below me.

I desperately wanted to get this day over with, not because of practice, but because...

It was that day...


A/N: Why hello to everyone that stumbled upon this story!  Thank you so much for reading. This is the first TMF fanfic I've written so I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm planning to have the first chapter out by next week on the same day. I already have it written since I originally had it written with the prologue but given how Wattpad is set up I decided to spilt them. (can you tell I'm not used to writing here 😅)

But anyways until then, have a nice day!  ^^

*nervous sweating because nobody's probably reading this  👀💧*

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