Chapter 4: I Was Never Fine

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A/N: Holy Crap, it's 2022 and I'm still not done with this crappy fanfic 😭/j

Ok but fr, Happy New Year Everyone! It is officially the start of 2022!  I really hope this year turns out to be a great one for all of us despite how crappy things have been due to the pandemic. 

But anyways, let's start this year off right with a new chapter! ^^

I was originally supposed to have this finished for Christmas Day last week, but I ended up getting a bit lazy and lost for ideas to end it off, which was what I was supposed to be doing from the 23rd then pushed it back to the 24th then just pushed it to the side until Boxing Day after Christmas. 

But hey, I ended up coming up with some good stuff to end it off the Sunday so, worth it? 🤷‍♀️😅

Anyways, I really hope you all enjoy this chapter and btw, I know this is technically unsaid, but this chapter from the beginning to end is being told from Zander's POV once again and will remain in Zander POV  for the rest of the fanfic.

Happy reading! ^^


A while had now passed since I had left the house out of pure impulse, without a clue as to where I'd end up next. I wandered around the city for a little bit until I ended up stumbling upon one of Rose Meadow's local Park's, one of the few places I would usually choose to retreat to whenever I wanted to be alone.

It was pretty close to my neighborhood as well, so it wasn't going to be a very far stretch for me to get back home on foot. Not many people were present at the park at the time surprisingly, only a few parents here and there bringing their children to play and an old woman that I spied upon entering, sitting alone nearby on a picnic blanket in the grass as she hummed to herself quietly as she continued to knit peacefully.

I stood silently in front of a small pond that was located in the farther back of the park's large landscape as I stared down at the water, looking back at my reflection with a mixture of shame and guilt on my face.

I felt awful for snapping at Hailey the way I did earlier, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell her anything about my past troubles..

I just couldn't bear the thought of burdening her with that information if she knew the truth, or any of the others for that matter...

As I continued to stare down at the pond's calm waters before me however, a familiar voice suddenly called my name from behind, snapping me out of thought. "Zander.."

My eyes immediately widened as I froze in shock. I didn't even have to turn around to see who it was as a familiar face suddenly came into view next to my reflection in the pond. "Luke..!" I quietly said in surprise. I then quickly looked up from the pond as I immediately turned to face him.

He greeted me with a sweet smile spread across his face as he chuckled, "Hey Zander!" as he gave me a short wave of his left hand.

"Luke!" I practically shouted again out of pure shock and fear. "W-What are you doing here..?" I asked a bit frantically as I tried to regain my composure. "A-Are the others with you..?" I questioned darting my eyes around the area for any signs of their presence.

Luke chuckled again as he hovered a hand over his mouth. "No!" He shook his head briefly as his laughter dyed down, lowering his hand in the process. "It's just me! Hailey told us you left the house so I decided to come and look for you. I figured I'd find you here, so, here I am!"

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