Chapter 3: I Just Wanna Help You

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A/N: Happy Saturday yall! Guess who finally finished chapter 3 after 5 years of working on it! 😎✨

That's right this fine procrastinator right here! ✨👉😎👈 ✨

Hope everyone brought those tissues like I asked last chapter and of course that you enjoy! It was a long journey for me to get this done for yall since this ended up being one of the longest chapters yet so far (over 4k words of pain for me to proofread 🙃), but I hope you find it worth the wait! Happy reading! ^^


An hour had now passed since practice had started and things sadly weren't going as planned due to my own uncontrollably actions. Everything was going along smoothly for the first few sessions, but my concentration was slowly beginning to deplete as time went by.

All because of the same thought that kept crossing my mind ever since practice had started...


11 years ago...

It was little after 6 PM that evening, the night sky had recently fallen as it draped over the resting clouds. Our house was as gloomy as a rainy day as usual as my mother stood alone in the living room in darkness, nothing but the piano that stood before her as her company.

She rested her shaken fingers on top of the keys as she continued to play a sad melody that could be heard clearly over the house's deafening silence.

Fresh tears began to well in her eyes as she kept asking herself the same question, "What am I doing wrong..?" until she couldn't hold them back any longer.

I watched in silence from the nearby hallway as my mother collapsed to the ground on her knees, her face buried into both her hands as her tears dripped down from in between her fingers.

I could feel my own eyes beginning to water as I continued to watch the sight. It always broke my heart to see my mom cry like this all the time, all because my Dad didn't come home from work that night...


Ever since I laid eyes on my piano that morning before even placing a finger on it, that was all I could think about. And whenever I tried to play it, I got so shaken by the thought of that moment that it caused me to hit the wrong keys by accident in the middle of rehearsals at the most random times during the song..

The others tried to ignore it at first and continued along, but it kept on happening repeatedly, to the point where we kept having to restart the entire song at a frequent rate for the remainder of the hour.

As we arrived at our 7th attempt, I managed to make it all the way up to the first chorus before messing up again. I quickly tried to recover for my mistake as I attempted to rejoin the song's rhythm, but no matter how hard I tried to focus, I just couldn't stop myself from hitting the wrong keys, over and over again...

The music slowly started to die down once again as the others stopped playing their instruments. The room had now become silent as all eyes suddenly turned to look at me.

I said nothing as I suddenly slammed my hands down on the keys before me in frustration. "Ugh!" I groaned staring angrily down at my piano. "Why can't I get this stupid song right!?"

"Maybe we've been practicing too long without a break.." Hailey spoke up, everyone's attention immediately shifting towards her. "Let's just take five for now then try this again!"

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