Chapter 2: Push Away The Thoughts

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A/N: Hi! It's been 2 weeks since I last updated so I'm back! :D

*cries in joy cause I finally made a deadline for once* 🤧

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! ^^


A while had now passed since Hailey and I had finished our separate breakfast for the morning. I was alone in our family's music room, setting up the instruments for practice that was about to begin soon. Hailey of course wanted to help me out, but I insisted on doing it on my own.

I needed something to get my mind off of my past thoughts, so I decided to take any opportunity I could to distract myself. While I was setting up the microphone stand for Jake, Hailey was waiting on the couch for the others to arrive along with Milly and Sean, who had just recently came by.

While they waited on Luke and Jake to show up, they began to chat a little amongst themselves about the events of the morning...


At the living room...

"And then he just walked out!" Hailey explained as she slowly paced around the small glass table placed in the middle of the room, just a few inches away from the couch.

"Pfft, he seriously chose a granola bar over cereal!" Milly remarked with a small smirk. "He really is boring isn't he!"

Sean only gave her a sighing smile while Hailey gave her an annoyed glare. "That's not the point Milly.." She retorted taking a pause in her pacing. "He's been acting really odd this whole morning and I'm kind of getting worried."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Sean reassured her. "He's probably just thinking about rehearsals for the day, especially since this'll be our first one at your place with Jake in the club." Milly nodded in agreement.

Hailey only sighed as she turned her gaze to the floor. "..I don't know.. It just seems like there's something bothering him that he won't tell me..."

The three of their eyes suddenly widened as an unexpected knock came from the door. They all turned their heads around and looked down the hallway to spy a small glimpse of auburn hair peeking through the glass of the doorway.

An annoyed expression immediately crept up on Milly's face. "Eck, well if something's really bugging him, I think we all know the perfect way to cheer him up!" She groaned.

Sean and Hailey both returned a lenny faced look as they nodded in agreement. "Hey Zander!" Hailey suddenly called. "Can you get the door!"

I slowly paused as I raised a brow in confusion while placing the microphone into its clip holder. I too heard the knock at the door just a second ago, but I didn't get why Hailey wanted me to go open it. "And why can't you do it?" I replied with a bit of annoyance in my tone.

My annoyance however, quickly shifted to nothing but pure joy as she replied, "It's Luke~" her voice trailing on as she mentioned his name. My eyes widened as I froze in surprise. "I'm coming!" I immediately yelled, practically dashing out of the music room as I ran as fast as I could to the doorway.

Ah, Luke~ One of the only things, or I guess people, that could make me smile on a day like this. Ever since we confessed to each other, I've felt nothing but a burst of excitement whenever I'd get the chance to see him.

Sure we've only been dating for over a week now, but it still just felt so surreal..that he actually felt the exact same way about me that I did about him..♡

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