Chapter 1 - It Won't Be the First Time I've Proved Them Wrong

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"Come on, Rocky. Don't wanna be late on our first day. You know who Dad'll blame." My big brother Kris chortles as he gnaws the end of a Twizzler. I roll my eyes and shove my earbuds into my ears. I don't turn on any music. I just hope he'll shut up.
"Didja hear me? I said Dad is sick of your shit." He guffaws, stuffing the remainder of the licorice vine in his mouth and he continues to laugh. With his mouth open.
"And I said you're an irritating shit who dances on my last nerve from morning to night."
I sling my backpack over my shoulder and set Metallica blaring in my ears. Ride the Lightning. Yeah, I've come pretty damn close.

"Good morning, Sweetie. Where's your brother?" I switch off my music to greet my mom good morning. She pats my cheek, smiling at me in that motherly way that only Moms can.
"Here!" Kris emerges from the garage moments later, a fresh Twizzler hanging out of his mouth.
"Seriously? Candy before you've eaten breakfast? How many times do I have to tell you?" She shakes her head, reaches up and snatches the Twizzler from Kris' mouth, leaving him stunned. I stifle my laugh. If I'd done that, we'd be rolling on the ground in a full-on brawl right about now. He pouts like the sulky, childish teenager he is.
"Where's Ava?" I ask, looking around for my baby sister - and easily my favorite of my two siblings.
"Already in the car. She's excited. She said she barely slept last night."
I fight the smile that tugs at my lips. Ah yeah. That sounds like her. Shaking my head, I resume my music as the three of us climb into Mom's new Mercedes.

"Now please behave as if you've some form of home training," Mom implores, watching us in the review mirror.
"Both of you," she adds, sternly.
"Yes Mom," Kris pipes up all too quickly. I turn my head to the side and gaze out of the window as the three story mansions morph into two story family homes, to modest ranch styles, and finally to tiny craftsman houses. Why do we even go to this school?
'Cause you got yourself kicked out of the last two, Linc. Beggars can't be choosers and by beggars, I mean my parents, capitulating to the terms of whatever school will take on their brawling, hot tempered disappointment of a son. Personally, I could care less about the whole education thing. I catch Mom's eye in the rear view mirror and she smiles at me, her green eyes creasing in the corners.

But I don't want to make Mom's life any harder than I already have.

So I suck it up for her sake and push through.
"Mom, some of the guys from Crystal are hanging out after school. I'm going with them," Kris says. Crystal Polytechnic is our most recent former school. And despite my general disdain for school of any kind, Crystal will always be my favorite. Their fine arts program was incredible and Ms. Colleen, my piano teacher, she was the sweetest lady, almost as sweet as Mom. But she also didn't take any of my shit. I smile at the memory.
"Are you asking or telling me," Mom says as we cruise along the I-5. Kris shrugs, looking down at his hands.
"Asking, I guess." He murmurs.
"What guys? Better not be that Carter Boy." She scrunches her nose in disgust. Brock Carter was a cool kid. Tall, built, perfect windswept hair the girls went crazy for (my little sister included) but a bit of an airhead. He and Kris ran in the fairly same social circles, and so did I by familiar association, but he wasn't exactly the model citizen. I smirk.
Who are you to talk, Linc?
"No Mom. Not Brock. Just a few guys from my old team."
Mom is silent for a few moments, gazing out the window as she turns into the school parking lot. Sterling Academy.
Fucking hell. Why does it have to sound so fucking pretentious? 

I glance over at Ava and she's smiling like it's Christmas morning. Her mood is infectious and some of my irritation fizzles out.
"Be home by nine. If you're missing dinner, let me know so I can save you a plate. And don't forget to call when you're on your way home."
"I will Mom!"
"I mean it Kristopher." Kris scowls. He hates being called by his full name.
"Yes Mom."
"Thank you, sweetheart. Have a good day, boys, you too, Ava. Love you."
Kris leans up, plants a kiss on Mom's cheek - fucking suck up - bolts and rushes to the courtyard without a backwards glance.
"Love you too, Momma!" Ava blows a kiss and jumps out of the car, tugging my arm.
"Bye Mom," I mutter and climb out after my sister. She latches onto my arm like a Fingerling and drags me through the growing throng of students. I glance over my shoulder as Mom's GLC speeds off.

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