Chapter 2 - Brown Isn't My Color, but It is Hers

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"OH MY GOD! I'm sorry!" Brown Eyes squeaks, covering her mouth with her hand as she stares down at me. Shit this is embarrassing.
"Don't sweat it," I grumble, irritated. When her eyes meet mine, I remember yesterday and my exasperation fades. She is still pale, eyes still wide and wary, but her tears have dried and the swelling in her plump lips has gone down...shame. They looked so soft to the touch.
"I wasn't paying attention. I'm looking for Mr. Walsh but he's not in his office. I'm kind of in a hurry, but that doesn't excuse my lack of awareness. I'm sorry again." She's rambling. Jesus sweetheart, calm your nerves. I'm not gonna arrest you or anything.
Unfortunately, I know exactly where Walsh is. I've been forced into his back pocket by my father and this crazy ass school.
"He's in a meeting with the principal," I say as I pull myself to a standing position.
"You okay?" I ask. She's not the one who got knocked over, Linc. But after seeing her this morning, I'm genuinely concerned.
"I should be asking you that." She hugs her books tight to her chest and flushes.
"I'm fine. I've been hit with worse." Much worse, sweetheart. You don't know the half of it.
"Then I'm okay." She grins and my heart stutters, uncontrollably.
That smile.
"I better go see Mr. Walsh. Thanks again, Reese." She smiles again and scuttles off down the hallway. I watch her go. She's remembered my name...

"Linc," a voice that sounds like nails on chalkboard calls from behind me. I freeze. They know my name already.
"Hey Linc!" The voice calls again. Dude! I turn around slowly, the flames of my exasperation licking higher and higher by the second. Oh how fun. It's that douche from the football team's little pet.
He looks around before continuing, but I know we're alone.
"I think you better keep your head down and distance yourself a bit from Grace."
Who's Grace?

"She's got club." He shrugs, blushing, and I note that he must be apart of this 'fanclub'.
"And you've got a mob on your heels." He rubs his neck sheepishly and I wonder why he's telling me this. I arch an eyebrow and he looks, instantly uncomfortable.
'Look mate, you're the new kid and you've already tangled with the king. Don't make it any harder on yourself," he says and I'm uncertain if it's a threat or a warning. 'The King'? Really? And I'm not your mate dude. I stare him down until he squirms and hurries off down the hall. I smirk as I slam my locker door closed. These kids really think I'm scared of them. It'll be fun to take down 'The King' once and for all. It seems he didn't get the message yesterday. My phone buzzes as I stalk off to Health Ed.


Rocky. What's the word on you and Dimples??


Who the hell is Dimples


Are you serious?


Yeah. What do you want Kris


Nothing man never mind. Where on campus are you?
This school is fucking massive


I have health Ed next period. Headed to gym three. Who needs 4 gyms?


Good luck. I just had health. Coach Hummel is brutal bro. I'm serious.


Can't be any worse than the rest of these douchebags with degrees


Great to know you're keeping a positive attitude


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