Chapter 1: Notebook

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~To The Story~




Pulling your blue pen away from your notebook after writing a sentence, you started to re-read it to make sure what you wrote was how you imagined it in your head. As you were in your little world, people around you were talking, cars were driving past you, the sound of a person dropping their spoon clanked against the floor, people calling out to a waiter, and the simple sounds of dishes being placed on the table.

Could you hear any of it? The answer is simple, no, you couldn't. Because you were deaf. You were born deaf and it runs in the family, so it's normal for you. It doesn't feel unusual to be a loss of hearing. It's very normal for you not being able to hear like other people. Granted it is possible for you to hear some things depending on the hearing range or if things are loud enough for you. It also does help with your pink hearing aid, located around your left ear and hidden by your hair.

A sudden light tap was felt on your left shoulder, driving you out of your world. Peering up, you saw Nagisa, who was sitting across from you. His blue eyes looking at you with his kind gentle smile. You were having lunch with the blue hair boy outside of a small cafe. For the past two weeks, since you moved here to Tokyo, you've been having lunch with Nagisa at this cafe. The cafe had seats outside, so you and Nagisa often ate out there since the weather was so lovely today.

"What are you writing?" The boy name Nagisa, signed with both of his hands as he spoke.

"Just brainstorming ideas for a story I have in mind." You signed back.

"Cool. You sure do everything in that book." Nagisa was referring to your cute galaxy notebook on the table that was open. You had it for a few years and so far you've only used it to communicate with others who don't know sign language or to write down random things and doodle on it whenever you're bored.

You nod with a small smile.

"Mind if I know what you're story is about?" Nagisa asked, signing.

Your face fell into a sheepish and embarrassing look. "It's not worth sharing yet. I am just brainstorming. And it's just for me to write for fun." You signed.

Nagisa smiled at you. "That's fine." He signed. "Since when did you started to write?"

You pursed your lips with a thoughtful expression. Soon you brought your hands up again and began signing. "Not for very long. I just suddenly found interest in it after writing to others who want to communicate with me."

Nagisa ate his sandwich as he watches you sign to him, understanding the communication due to the classes he's been taken.

Taking a short break from writing, you started to eat your sandwich as well. You noticed that behind Nagisa, there was another table there that was occupied by a young couple. You noted that they seem to be arguing judging by how they both look mad at each other and how aggressively their mouths moved as if they kept spitting venom to one another.

Not wanting to pry into their business, your eyes avoided the couple and just continue to eat.

"Hm." Nagisa stole a quick glance at the young couple behind him. He heard the two having a small talk but it soon escalated into a heated arguing. No yelling, however, just a very rough talk.

'They've been arguing for a while now.' Nagisa thought.

You were wondering if Nagisa didn't like the couple's argument. You waved your hand to get Nagisa's attention then sign, "are they bothering you? Do you want to move seats?"

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