Chapter 2: Writing

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~To The Story~

The news was being played in the background of the old-style Japanese restaurant for the customer to listen to and watch. Karma was one of those people and you weren't.

When you asked him what he wanted to do Karma suggested getting some food. Which was a good idea since you were getting kinda hungry. There wasn't really any conversation being held between the two of you. It's not like Karma tried to uphold a conversation with you. The only way he could talk to you was through writing since he didn't know any sign language. Not even the alphabet. Karma found the thought of writing to you back and forth rather tedious.

So Karma figured that he will only exchange words with you if you said something to him first, or if you needed something. He did offer to even place an order for you to the waiter, but all you did was shake your head and ended up doing it by yourself by pointing to the waiter what you wanted on the menu.

"Stupid politicians," Karma muttered to himself, his cheek resting on the palm of his hand, watching the news about a politician making a public announcement about something he finds meaningless.

Since the restaurant was an old-style Japanese restaurant, the tables were at a low height and no chairs are used. You had to sit while using a pillow for comfort.

You saw Karma's mouth move as he looked at the T.V as you were drinking your hot tea. He didn't seem to be pleased with what he was witnessing on the screen. You follow his eyes to see what he was watching.

Karma noticed that your eyes went to the television screen. It was the first time your eyes went to the T.V. With his hand still on his cheek, he took a glance at you. A part of him wonders what it is like to watch what he is watching but not being able to hear anything.

He never met a deaf person, so now hanging out with one right now made him seemingly curious about how you deal with not being able to hear anything and having to rely on your other senses. He decided to at least try to talk to you and question your lack of hearing.

You noticed Karma reached out to take your blue pen follow by your galaxy notebook. Your eyes went to his only to find him writing somewhere in your notebook. When he finished, he slid the notebook towards you.

You read what he wrote.

'How long were you deaf for?'

You blinked a few times at reading the blue texts. This is the first time Karma has you a question about yourself. He seems to give off the impression of not caring about your disability. Not that you really care if people ask about your disability. You really don't mind.

Picking up the blue pen, you began to write a simple sentence to answer his question. When finishing, you slid back the notebook to him.

Karma's mercury orbs went over what you wrote.

'I was born deaf. It actually runs in my family. No big deal.'

No big deal?

Karma wouldn't know if he can handle being deaf. That would be a big deal for him, how come it's not for you? Then again, you mentioned that you were born deaf, so he assumes not being able to hear is normal for you.

Again, you saw Karma write something down before sliding the journal back to you.

'I know this sounds like a stupid question, but can you talk?' Was what you read.

Karma saw how your expression turned into a flush one for a moment there. He can tell you were having trouble answering his question. Eventually, you did write something down.

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