Chapter 22: Listen

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~To The Story~

Karma tried not to get too close to anyone. He always had trust issues and would keep to himself most of the time. Over the years, his parents began to leave him home alone more often the older he got. They let him do whatever he wants so his complaint lessens over the years.

Even when he gets into huge shit at school to the point they called his parents, his parents didn't do anything. Well besides send money for whatever damage he's caused. Whether it'd be the school's property or someone's medical bill.

That's all he ever saw them as. Just people who would clean up his mess. Other than that, he can't really count on them for anything and does not care for them at all. If they choose to spend their time travelling then being with their only child then why should he give a shit about them?

So Karma didn't have any other adult to guide him.

The first-ever adult he trusted betrayed him.

Karma always had this impression that teachers don't genuinely care about their students. Some teachers had favourites and don't bother hiding them. Some try to cover their asses so they won't lose their job even if it meant hurting other students. But he felt that his homeroom teacher was different. Because of his grades, Karma received special treatment from him and was able to get away with his shenanigans.

That is until his so-called shenanigans caused trouble for his homeroom teacher. For the first time ever, his teacher showed anger towards him and punished him by sending him to the End Class when Karma believed he did nothing wrong. It was a huge wake-up call for him and it hurt.

And Nagisa was his first-ever friend. Out of all the asshole students in his class, he knew Nagisa was the most honest one. Everyone else had such two-faced personalities. Their friendship began when Karma caught Nagisa reading a Sonic Ninja comic.

He ended up inviting Nagisa to the movies first. After that, Nagisa became his first-ever friend. They hang out during school, and after school. It felt nice having someone around he can trust. His friendship with the small fragile boy was cut short that year, however.

For a while, he could always lower his guard around him and when he did, an unsettling chill would always creep its way into his bones.

He wasn't sure why Nagisa had him on edge. He's always been such a harmless little mouse and that concept shattered. Karma was scared and confused, resulting in him putting a distance between them. He was alone again but thought it was for the best. Otherwise, he would hurt Nagisa.

At third year, when they ended up in the same classroom, Karma naturally gravitated toward Nagisa for the second time. This time because he didn't know anyone else in the classroom.

Karma spoke to Nagisa again as if nothing happened. And as much as they hung out again, there was still that polite distance between the two. As if the two were scared to get too close or something.

The distance grew once again when Karma began liking you.

Karma felt as if Nagisa doesn't want him to be with you. It stung because he felt like he can be close to someone without getting hurt but it seemed like Nagisa was stopping him from that small bit of happiness. Nagisa out of all people.

He just didn't want to be alone again.

So he told you how much it stung when you said you were moving. He was scared that you'll forget about him once you leave him. For the first time in a while, he let his guard down and allowed someone into his life. He even let himself grow feelings for you. He wanted you close by and loved spending time with you.

How We Communicate | Karma X Deaf!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now