Chapter 19: Hurt

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~To The Story~

When you dropped the news onto Karma you didn't know what to expect. You remained quiet and unmoving so you can wait for a response, worrying how he would take it.

Karma merely stared back at you, having a knack for keeping a straight face and a calm composer. You were however able to pick up on how tense his shoulders were.

"Oh," he eventually said. Even if you wouldn't be able to hear it, Karma made sure not to sound disappointed when he spoke because he didn't even want to hear it himself.

Wanting to avoid showing vulnerability, his mercury eyes flickered to the window, pretending to look down at the skating rink. Then realized he shouldn't be quiet for too long so you don't suspect how upset he was actually feeling. He turned to you and figured he should at least ask where you're going. Who knows, maybe you're just moving across the city?

"Where?" He asked.

Karma noticed the hesitation in your eyes.

You sighed and brought one of your hands out to spell it out for him.


The small fragment of hope he felt just a second ago was gone and replaced by a twinge of pessimism. By train, it takes two hours from Tokyo to Osaka. Not very convenient for him or for you.

You pressed your lips together, your fingernails digging into your jeans. Feeling like you owe him an explanation, you began to type away to tell him the reason for your move.


I was always meant to stay here temporarily.


Always, huh. Did Nagisa know?


Is you moving involve with your parent's job or something?

You sadly nodded at Karma's assumption.


My dad is getting a new job there.

But first, he had to train here in Tokyo before going to Osaka.

He starts after summer.

But we're moving in June to get settled in first.

That's way too soon.

Why could have you at least stayed for one full year? Then again, even if your moving was unavoidable, was it not his fault for getting so close to you? If you stayed longer wouldn't the moving be harder on him? The moment he starts opening up and getting close to someone, something like this happens. Why does this keep happening to him?!

Your fingers wrapped around your cup and your face appearing grim. The mood was brought down because of your surprising announcement which potentially upset Karma. There was a good chance that he was aiming to have a relationship with you.

You wanted that too. You still do. The question now is if Karma would even want a long-distance relationship with you. You were too afraid to ask and the two of you aren't even dating so maybe you're getting ahead of yourself. You shouldn't rush things and keep the pace as it is now.


I'll try to message you as much as I can.

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