00 | prologue

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I quietly made my way to another abandoned base. This is the last base and my last hope to find our missing daughter. She has been kidnapped and now the only thing in my mind is finding her.

I snuck on the window and walk through the hallways. Without looking behind me I catch the guy's hand twist it and punch his face instantly knocking him out. That was easy.

I continue my way to the metal door. Two agents guarding the entrance. I grab my mini grenade and throw it their way. When it was clear I check if they got hit then hacking the code on the door.

Empty, that was all I see. As I search through the lab nothing was in there except for chemical substances and different apparatus. I made my exit making sure to blow up the base.

That was it, my last chance in finding my daughter. Although I know there will be more possible camps they took her, I don't know where. All the information I have right now was from S.H.I.E.L.D. but I don't work there anymore since I quit.

Opening my apartment door, this place was once full of happiness and love, now it was gloomy and empty, just like me. I throw my clothes on the rack and step into the shower.

Rubbing all the dirt on my body I can't help to let out tears fall from my eyes. Where is she when I need her? Did she even care? That was our daughter for christ sake. She didn't even try to look for her, or she did for the first month, then she moves on. Was it all that easy for her?

Slipping into a tank top and sweats I walk to the kitchen and heat the frozen pizza. After that, I sunk into my seat and turn on the tv.

News spreads on the media, the first part is about what is happening in the country then moving on to celebrities. It was then something happened when breaking news where flashed.

"Earlier this afternoon Natasha Romanoff also known as the black widow was ambushed by an unknown group. It was said that she was doing a solo mission when suddenly a group cornered and attack her. She fought her way out and brought to Greys-Sloan hospital. As of now the group who attacked her is still unknown and that Ms Romanoff has been in the operating room since then."

I drop my pizza and stare at the screen. I didn't know what to do. Yes we aren't on good terms, we broke up, but that doesn't mean I stop loving her.

The annoying ringtone brought me back to reality. As I look at the contact it was Nicky or also known as Fury.

"Nick, what happened?" I ask as I pick up the phone,
"We have her," he responded,
"Tala?" I made sure.

I let my tears go but this time it was because I was happy. They have found her, she has found our daughter. Then Nat, Oh my god.

"How about Natasha? How is she?"
"Listen (y/n). Natasha is in a very critical condition. She has been in a coma since we got her," He answered.

I sob as I heard that. I can't lose her. Breaking up with her broke me than I already am, losing her is like she's jumping off the cliff for the greater good without thinking of what the fans will feel. No, losing her is like losing myself too.

"Where are they now Fury?"
"They are now moved in the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Hospital, I'll wait for you in the lobby." with that he ends the call.

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