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We're standing in front of Dreykov as he debriefs us with our mission. He told us that whatever circumstance we'll encounter later we need to remain unseen. If we're noticed, we should decapitate them immediately.

Walking into the next room, we were geared for the mission. Guns, batons, and more weapons are attached to our suits. They gave us an earpiece to be able to communicate with them as we go on with our mission.

They blindfolded us so that we can't see where the base was hidden until I felt the craft go high. Only when the craft stopped mid-air when they remove the blindfold.

Once my sight adjusted with the light, I look at Talia who's waiting for me. I signalled to her I'm ready and we walk to the crafts exit.

Jumping out of the plane, we dive on the ocean and once we resurface we start to swim towards the land.

Soldiers were guarding the coast border and Natalia signalled me to go to the end since there are fewer troops in there.

Before a soldier glance in our direction, I stab his throat with a knife. He gasps for air, trying to warn the others but he fell and life drained out of his body.

I followed Natasha to the weapon armory. We did our best to hide from the patrol and when we did, there were 2 more soldiers by the door.

Nodding my head to Talia, we count to three and jumped on the two guards, cutting their air out, killing them instantly.

We grab the bodies and unzip the tent where the weapons are located. We drop the dead bodies on the side and we start to look for the object Dreykov wants us to get.

A minute after I click something and opened a safe. I bypass the security system and retrieve what was inside. A drive and a serum, that's what was inside the safe. Natalia walks towards me and looks at the objects.

She looks into my eyes and with a nod, she grabbed the objects and put them on the small pouch attached to her suit. While she does that, I start to put things back in their places.

"Object retrieve," Natalia spoke on the comms and a second later Dreykov replied, "Good, get back here before someone sees you."

We proceed to do our escape plan and while we run through the forest, we know this isn't the right time to escape. No one would believe us and we know they'll kill us instantly.

Natalia felt my sour mood so she grabs my hands and rubs them. I smiled at her and continue to walk, her hands still intertwined with mine.

Since the mission was successful our meal for tonight was different from others.

Unlike the other days, Talia and I were sitting at the same table in the cafeteria. This causes the others to murmur about it.

"Don't mind them," Talia whispered before taking a bite of her sliced meat.

I give her a small nod and start to eat my food. When Talia finished her food she glances at me and I already know what she wants. She grabs her tray and put it on the stack in the corner of the room.

When I was done with my food I did the same, putting them on the corner. I went to my room, taking my towel and clothes I'll be changing into.

The shower room was empty as the normal showering hours is before dinner but with the mission, they gave me a pass.

Making my way to where I heard the water running. I hang my stuff on the side and strip off my clothes. When I step beside her she turn around and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Took you long enough," she whispered.

"I was enjoying my food. It may be a while before I get another one that taste as good as that."

"Fair enough. Knowing Dreykov though, he'll give us another mission around this week."

I hummed and rest my head on her shoulder. We continue to embrace each other.

Natalia was right. 3 days after the mission Dreykov gave us another task. Then another after another but all of it wasn't our way out.

It is a good thing that he always pairs me with Natalia though. He said we were the best pair when it comes to finishing work. Black & Gray Widow, as he says.

"Are you gonna change your name when we escape?" I ask Talia who is now cuddling beside me.

"Yes. Although I don't know what name." She continues to stroke my hair as I hum.

"What about you?" She added which cause me to look at her eyes.

"I don't think I'll change mine, maybe just my surname." I smiled at her.

"With mine?" she asks caressing my cheeks.

"Maybe," I tease which made her pout. I kiss it away but what was supposed to be a peck turned into a make-out session.

"Natasha suits you," I whispered at her after a couple of silence.

"Natasha?" She asks which to I nod my head.

She continues, "Natasha. It does, doesn't it?" She chuckled and damn just by her chuckle my stomach flip.

im sorry for the
short chapters and
slow updates.
also all of this are not
proofread so im sorry
for the misspelled words
or wrong grammars.
thanks for reading <3

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