Natasha Romanoff (DIFFERENT)

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It was requested that I do another Natasha Romanoff one, only it being different. Please leave suggestions on anymore characters I should do and also if you want a part 2 maybe.

Nat's POV:

The compound had been peaceful the last few weeks, and so had saving the world. Not many missions, just the odd hydra base here and there. We had gotten an emergency meeting call, this usually happens when there's a big mission and we're all needed. This however wasn't, there was a new recruit joining the team. We were all excited about a new person joining us, as there wasn't anyone new since Wanda and Pietro joined a year ago.

"This is the new recruit, agent y/n y/l/n. She has had advanced weapon training and is also the best in SHIELD at hand to hand combat." Fury said as he was stood in the meeting room. Everyone said hello and introduced themselves.

"This calls for a party then, how about 8?" Tony said after Fury had walked out. Everyone agreed and went to get ready.

When I was getting ready, I couldn't stop thinking about y/n. She seemed different from any other agent that had tried to join the avengers before. She hadn't actually spoke in the meeting, why? My mind was questioning everything about her. It was around 6pm, I had finished getting ready and I couldn't help but know more about y/n.

I walked up to her room which was only down the corridor from mine. Me, Wanda and now y/n all shared a floor on the living quarters in the compound. I reached the door and hesitated for a moment, then knocking on the door gently. A minute or so went by and I was about to walk off when she opened the door. She just stood there looking at me and then into her room. She then opened her door wider and moved to the side so I could walk in.

"Hi, I just wanted to see how you were finding it here so far, and is there anything that I can help you with." I said as I sat down on a chair that was in the corner. I was looking around at everything trying to take in any detail that I could.

"Agent y/l/n is settling in well. And would let you know if she needed help with anything." FRIDAY's voice said. It was unusual, she hadn't spoken at all to anyone, and she has FRIDAY answering for her. "Agent y/l/n is also a trained spy, like you agent Romanoff. In case you were wondering." FRIDAY's voice once again spoke. To which y/n had let out a little giggle to herself but I pretended not to notice, because her face had gone bright red with embarrassment.

There were lots of things I noticed, obviously being told that she was also a spy. But things like, her body language and certain mannerisms I had already seen her do. And little details in her room, a blanket and a small teddy on her bed. I was curious but didn't ask any questions. I noticed that she was getting nervous and seemed stressed.

"I'll see you at the party then." I said and walked to her door. She nodded and smiled, I went out of her room and closed the door behind me.

~The next day~

I woke up, it was 6:00am. I got ready and was downstairs ready for training by half past. I headed into the training room where I was met with y/n. She was amazing, I stood there and watched her for a few minutes, until she had turned around and seen me. She jumped seeing me there, but I chose to pretend not to notice. She walked towards me and smiled.

"Sorry." She mumbled, not much louder than a whisper. I was shocked, that was the first word she had spoken since she had got here. She didn't even talk to anyone at the party last night.

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