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Suga POV

"Why Mr.Chow want to meet us at here ?" I ask the others .

"I don't know . As usual , he would meet us at cafe but why he want us met him at his office ?" Jimin also confused .

"Aish . He said we need to met him at 8.00 p.m. but why it's so late ?! It's already 10.00 p.m." Jungkook grumbled .

"I don't know duh ." Taehyung look his handwatch .

"Yah . Can you guys shut up ?" Namjoon mad .

"Aish ." Jhope also started grumbled . Jin just quiet .

"Hey guys !" Suddenly Mr.Chow come to us .

"Hey Mr.Chow . Why you want to met us this late night ?" Jin ask .

"Oh come here ." He said and we follow him to his secret room .

"Why ?" Jimin ask .

"Look at this . This is our mission ."  He show a picture of the girl .

"Why ?" Taehyung ask .

"I want you kidnapped her !" Mr.Chow said .

"It's easy man !" I smirk .

"So Namjoon . You are their boss , so you need to plan all of this ! What i know , i want money !" Mr.Chow said and Namjoon nod .

Mr.Chow is our big boss and Namjoon is our boss .

"Now go back home and plan . Start this mission tomorrow !" Mr.Chow said and we leave .

Jungkook drived the car to home .

We arrived and open the main door .

"So , now what's your plan ?" Jhope ask and we sit at couch .

"Like this . We doesn't know where she live , how old is she , her name and anything about her we doesn't know . So Jimin , I need your help ! Find her bio ." Namjoon said and we look at Jimin .

"Get it !" Jimin said and run to his room to start finding that girl bio .

"Suga , Jhope and Taehyung . You guys kidnapped her after Jimin already find her bio ." Namjoon said again .

"Noted !" We said in same time .

"Jin , Jungkook and I will call her family for a money ." Namjoon said and they nod .

After 1 hours , Jimin go downstairs back .

"Guys . I already have her bio ." Jimin shout .

"Tell us ." Jin said and drink his water. 

Jimin holding a piece of paper and he said .

"Her name is Shin Y/N . She is the son of Shin Jong , the CEO of the big and famous company in Korea . She is 15 years old . She don't have any siblings and her mom dead when she 12 . So she leave with her dad but her dad always busy ." Jimin said .

"That's good ! It's easy to kidnapped her !" Taehyung said .

"More ?" Namjoon said .

"She not go to school because she school from house . She will go out at 6.00 a.m to Jogging and buy a breakfast . At 1.00 p.m she will go out again to buy lunch and she will go out at 6.00 p.m to buy a dinner ." Jimin said again .

"More ?" ~

"Mr.Shin Jong will leave house at 7.00 a.m and will back at 11 to 12.00 p.m ." Jimin said make us nod .

"That's enough ." Namjoon said and Jimin sit next to Jin .

"So what we will do is , tomorrow morning , Taehyung will follow her where she going , with who she met . Understand ?" Namjoon ask Taehyung .

"Yes ." Taehyung said .

"Tomorrow when she going to buy a dinner , we kiddnaped her !" Namjoon said and we nod .

Skip time ~
Tomorrow night .

"Mr.Chow . What we need to do after we kidnapped her ?" Jungkook ask Mr.Chow from a phone .

"Don't do anything . Just take care of her . I don't want she scared at you guys . Don't do anything . Don't raped her !" Mr.Chow shout in phone .

"Noted ." We all said in same time .

"Taehyung . You see her ?" Namjoon ask from Taehyung's phone .

"Yes . There . She is walking alone to that street ." Taehyung replied .

"Kidnapped her and bring her before 10.00 p.m." Namjoon said and they ended the call .

"Jhope . Drive to her . Suga . Ready ." Taehyung said as i nod .

Jhope drived slowly to that girl . Taehyung and I pull her into car .

"Go now !" Taehyung said and Jhope drives fastly .

Skip time ~
Arrived .

"She fainted ?" Jimin ask as Jhope was carry her .

"Yea ." Taehyung replied. 

"Put her at the old room and tied her in the bed ." Namjoon said and we nod .

Skip ~

We already tied her . She so sexy i swear .

Skip ~

"Mr.Chow said he will come ?" I ask .

"Yea . You already call her father , Jin ?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows .

"Yea . He look so panicked ." He said and we laughed except Namjoon . He is too mature !

"Hey Mr.Chow !" We shake hand .

"Where is she ?" Mr.Chow ask .

"There ." Namjoon point it .

"Oh yea . You kidnapped the correct girl . Already call her father ?" Mr.Chow ask again .

"Yea ." Jin answer .

"Good . Now listen carefully . I know this kinda hard because this is first time you guys kidnapped someone right ? But please , don't do anything , don't shout at her and don't raped her ! Especially you , Namjoon . You're horny can't control !" Mr.Chow shout .

"I can't promise it ." Namjoon said .

End Suga POV

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