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⚠dirty talk

Still Namjoon POV

I wake up . My body hurt . My head hurts . Everything hurt ! I hear a familiar voice . I can hear people crying . I open my eyes and I saw 6 boys was crying in front of me and 2 girls just trying make them calm down . Someone was holding my hand . And my hand wet . Have a tears ?

I turn my head and I saw Y/N was crying and hold my hand . I pulled my hand and hold my head .

"N-Namjoon . You wake ?" She crying .

"Namjoon . You're okay ?" Taehyung asked worried .

"L-Let me help you ." Y/N saw me want to sit .

"Go away ." I still don't want to see her face .

"W-What ?" She shocked .

"I said go away ! I don't want to see your face ! I hate you !" I shout to her make her shocked . Not just her . The others also shocked .

She leaves . The girls follow her .

"N-Namjoon . You want to eat ?" Jin asked and wiped his tears .

"No ." I said .

"C-Can i asked you ?" Suga said .

"What ?" I asked back .

"Why you fighting with Y/N ? Y-You said you hate her . This is not Namjoon that we know ." Suga said make my tears drop .

"Don't said her name at here . I hate her ." I said and wiped my own tears .

Suddenly Shey come in and whispered something to Jungkook .

"Namjoon hyung . We go out buy a food yea ? We will back ." Jung kook said and pull their hand . I just nod .

End Namjoon POV

Jung kook POV

Shey whispered

"Y/N want to talked with you guys ."

We leave and saw Y/N was crying at couch .

"Y/N . You're okay ?" Jimin asked .

"He hate me ." Y/N said .

"N-no . He not hate you ! He just . Mad ." Jin said .

"Why he said he hate you ? Why he shout ?" Suga asked . He want to know .

"He take my phone . And . He know I cheated ." Y/N said make us shocked .

"You cheat ?!" We all asked in same time .

"Eunwoo forced me ! If not he will report police that you guys kidnapped me . I don't want you guys go to jail !" She crying .

"You need to explain ." Jhope said .

"How ?! He don't want to look at me ! I love him ! He accident because of me . I know he crying in the car !" Y/N said and crying more .

"Don't blame yourself please . It's not your fault . Eunwoo forced right ? So you just need take a time to explain and he will understand ." Taehyung said .

"I agree with Tae ." Sheyrry said. 

"Like this . We leave you alone with Namjoon . And you take a time to explain ." I give an idea .

"But ." She don't finish her sentence , Jin cut off .

"No but but . Come ." We push her slowly to Namjoon's room .

End Jungkook POV

Namjoon POV

I was looking my phone . I look at my photos Y/N and me . I was crying . I love her so bad !

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