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Namjoon POV

I wake up and didn't saw Y/N at my arms . I worried . She pregnant ! It's already 9 months . I finding her .

"Y/N ! Y/N ! Y/N ! Baby ?" I finding her like crazy person .

"Yah why you shout ?" Suddenly I heard Jin's voice .

"Hey guys . When you guys come ?" I asked them .

"Last night . You already sleep that time ." Jungkook said .

"Oh . Aish . You guys see Y/N ?" I worried .

"She help Shey and Sheyrry at kitchen . We already said she need to rest but she still want to help . What we can do ?" Suga said .

"Aish . This girl ." I go to kitchen and I saw she holding a glass .

"Yah . Just rest . I said it . Let me take it ." I mad and I take the glass at her hand . I pull her slowly sit at couch .

"Just rest . Let me help them ." I said and she nods .

After I help them , I sit at couch with her . We watching television but suddenly she hold my hand tightly .

"Why you hold my -" I didn't even finish my sentence . I see her want to shout because hurt . It's look like the baby want to come out now .

I carried her .

"Guys . Take me to hospital ." I shout and they shocked when they saw i was carrying Y/N .

They all go to hospital with me . I carried Y/N again and she keep shouting .

"Put her here ." The nurse said . I put her at the bed and Nurse push the bed .

I accompany Y/N . But she took hard to push it . So Doc said i need to wait at in front . I nod and she don't want to let my hand go .

"Y/N . I will come back okay ?" I said and i give her hand to the nurse . I go out with worried face .

"Y/N done ?" They worried .

"No . Doc said i need to wait here ." I said and i can't just sit ! I worried .

After 1-2 hours the doc come .

"Congratulations . You have a baby girl ." Doc give me a baby . I look at her .

I smiled . The others smiled look at baby but then i asked .

"How my wife ?" I asked .

"I'm sorry to said . We can't help her . We try . But we fail . I'm sorry ." The doc said make my face changed .

The doc leave .

"N-No . Impossible !" I go in her room and i saw her body . I'm crying . Not just me . The others also crying .

Skip time ~

We in the car going back home but my face didn't smiled .

Suddenly the baby crying .

"Shhh ." I smiled look at her .

"What her name ?" Jin asked .

"Joonyang . Y/N said her name is Joonyang . Kim Joonyang ." I said and my tears drop .

"Aish . You strong right ? Don't cry like this ." Jimin hug me .

"Now you need to take care of her . For Y/N .  Right ?" Jhope said and my tears drop .

"I will take care of her . Like how i take care of Y/N ." I said and Shey suddenly wiped my tears .

"She not here . But she always in your heart . Remember that ." Shey said . She also already crying .

"Yea ." I said and smiled . I still crying .

We arrived . Joonyang still in my arms . I take her to her room . I put her slowly . She sleeping .

"You will grow up and be a beautiful girl like your mom ." I said and kiss her . I go out with a sad face . I go to my room and sit at floor . I take out my phone and laptop . I open the gallery and look at my picture with Y/N . Our memories .

I open my closet and take a photocard . It's a Y/N picture .

"I miss you so much . I know you wait me isn't ?" I asked and crying more . I look at her picture , video . About our memories . We go holiday . We cuddling . I miss her so bad .

"I miss you . I want cuddle with you again ." I said and my tears drop again . Non stop my tears drop .

Then i felt asleep at floor .

I wake up because someone try to wake me up .

"Namjoon . Hey . Wake up ." It's a Jin voice .

I wake up and I noticed have a tears at my cheek . I wiped it .

"Yes ?" I asked .

"You miss her ?" Jungkook asked . They all at here except Jimin .

"I miss her so bad ." I said and my tears drop again .

"Aish . Don't cry . You have Joonyang . Remember ?" Suga said and wiped my tears .

"You're strong right ?" Jhope hug me .

"I miss her so much !" I cry a lot when he hug me .

"Shh . Don't cry . You have Joonyang . She is your spirit ." Taehyung said .

"Namjoon . Joonyang crying ." Jimin come and was holding Joonyang at his arms .

"Yah . Why you crying ?" He worried . He give me Joonyang .

"You miss her ?" Jimin ask because he can see my laptop , phone have a Y/N's picture . Not just that . He can see many photocard .

"She promise me she not leaving me . Why she brake her promise ?!" I cry .

"Aish . She not brake it . She just . Go to somewhere . She always in your heart right ?" Jimin hug me .

Suddenly Joonyang crying .

"Shhh . Shhhh ." I'm smiles looking at her.

"See . She also don't like her dad crying ." Shey said and we all laughed .

End Namjoon POV

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