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Jhope POV

We sit at couch and waiting for Namjoon show our room .

"Namjoon . Show us our room . I'm sleepy !" Suga shout .

"Yah . This house so big you know ? I have many guest room . Choose it . At third floor . The second floor is our room and our child room ." Namjoon said and we nod with a smiled .

"Erm . It's okay . I show you . Come ." We all follow him . Y/N and Shey also .

"So this is Jin's room . This is Suga room . This is Jungkook and Shey room . Jungkook . Your room special . Have many banana milk in your closet ." Namjoon said and Jungkook jump to his bed .

"Thanks !" He shout make us chuckled .

"The others your room at upstairs ." Namjoon said .

"Yah . Kidding me ?" I grumbled .

"Why ? This is bangalow you know ? You don't need to use stairs . Have a lift right ?" He said and we chuckled .

"So this is your room , Jhope . Jimin this is your room . Taehyung . Your room in front of Jhope's room ." Joon said .

"Thanks ! You are the best !" We said in same time .

"Now let us rest . Just do what you want to do ." He said and they nod .

"Guys . I think i need to take sheyrry . She want to meet you guys . I will back ." Jin run leave .

"Jungkook . Do what you want to do with Shey but don't too loud . Me and Y/N also will do a same thing you know ?" Namjoon said make us laugh .

"Okay hyung !" Jungkook shout with a bunny smiled . We all go to our room .

End Jhope POV

Creator POV

Suga busy with his bed , Jhope was shower , Taehyung busy playing video games , Jungkook and Shey busy flirting , Jimin busy finding a girlfriend in media social , Jin was driving to take Sheyrry and the lastly , Namjoon and Y/N was busy kissing in room .

End Creator POV

Namjoon POV

We go to our room and I push Y/N to wall .

"Y/N . Make your daddy enjoy again ." I said and kiss her softly at her lips .

"I will . But don't too rough . They will hear our moans ." She said and kiss me back .

We kiss softly .

"Ugh . Your lips so soft ." We didn't brake our kiss .

I take her legs and put it on my waist . I carry her and put her on bed . Our kiss not brake . I don't know why but it very soft .

I brake the kiss and i naked in front her . After i naked , she sit and take my body . She push me to bed and she naked in front of me . We changed the lights to the hot colour ! Red colour .

"I'll go first ." She smirked and holds my dick .

"You know . Your dick already enough for my lunch or dinner ." She said and she suck my dick .

"Ughh ! Y-Yes like that baby ." I moans suddenly she bite my dick makes me shout .

"Argh !" I shout and i heard the knocked .

"Namjoon . You're okay ? We hear your shout ." It's Jhope .

"Y-Yea ughh . I-I'm ughh Fine ." I moans .

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