the plan

12 3 4

Y/N *like a crime investigator* - ok so MINJI

Minji - YES

Y/N - You are gonna invite all his other guy friends because your oppa must be knowing them so it will be easy for you to contact them

(Minji and her cousin brother were both trainees)

Minji - OK

Y/N - and ROSIE

Rosie - Mhm? *nods*
Y/N - You and I will go together to get the cake and we will pool our money to get the snacks

Rosie - Yeah but this party is happening in the cafeteria only, right?

Y/N - Obviously -_- you think we have booked a banquet hall?

Rosie - No XD

Y/N - Ok so Minji please get it done and make sure no one tells him

Minji - Yeah, ok so let's meet after practice

Y/N - Hmm yeah bye

Rosie - Bye

So that day, all of them continue with their schedule and later on meet up and give updates. Minji, with the help of her cousin she finds out about Jimin's friends and informs them about the little surprise. Rosie had talked to the chef in the café and requested him to bake or buy them a little cake. The chef was very nice and she agreed to bake a crepe cake for Jimin. Minji, Y/N, and Daehan (Jimin's friend) went to a convenience store to get little snacks for his friends.

------ in the store --------

Y/N - Umm I think 15 would be enough

Minji & Daehan - ... -_-

Y/N - What?

Daehan - Me, you, Minji, Rosie, Jimin, and 3 other friends, so how many?

Y/N - 8 people ...

Minji - So why do we need 15? -_-

Y/N - hehe sorry I thought what if we fall into a shortage ...

Minji & Daehan - *facepalms*

Daehan - Ok so we will get this one, this, and that one ok?

Y/N - Ok so then we will come back here one day before

Minji - Yeah ok


So everything goes according to plan, November was swiftly passing by without Jimin knowing anything (😏). Y/N and the others had planned to celebrate on 6th (because it was the only day most of the trainees' schedule was free) and they were all just really happy (umm idk what to write cuz umm yeah what else? They will be happy only right?)

-------- a mid-November morning ---------

--Y/N pov--

Ugh, another morning where this ugly bedmate of mine kicks me to "rise-and-shine" and I "rose-and-didn't-shine" -_____- why do all my mornings have to be so ugh weird. *rolls eyes*. Anyways I need to get going. Oh, what's that? My mom? My mom is calling me?

Y/N's sleepy eyes opened in surprise, she hadn't spoken to her family in a very long time, suddenly her annoyed face lit up and she picked the call.

Y/N - Mumma!

Mom - Y/Nieeeeeeeee! Happy b'day my darling!

A sudden realization hit Y/N. IT WAS HER B'DAY! She took the phone away from her ear and looked at the screen and it read, "Sunday, 18th November 2012". Y/N's eyes widened but then she remembered she was on a call.


Y/N - Yeah, yes Mumma I can hear you (she moved to a quieter place)

Mom - So do you have any plans today? Hmm? If you were here we would take you to your favorite place but *sigh* you are so far away : (

Y/N - Mom! Don't say that. I'm always there with you all in your heart, I promise you, one day I'll make you so proud that I'll bring you to Korea in my private jet *giggles*

Mom - *giggles* Ahaha yes sure ok now you must be having a busy day ahead, go carry on.

Y/N - Love you, Mumma, bye

Mom - Bye, love you too

---Y/N pov----

I almost feel like crying, IT'S MY BDAY! HOW COULD I EVER ... *sigh* anyways no one should find out, or they will force me to celebrate too and stuff. I don't like the spotlight, I'd rather control the spotlight than stand under it. I don't wanna celebrate. Let's just pretend it's another normal day. (continues to walk in the passage)


Y/N - *omg does she remember omg omg* - H-hi

Rosie - Unnie Unnie Unnie you know what happened in my room today *laughs* the girl who sleeps on the upper bunker got pushed down by her bedmate and she fell on my bedmate AHAHAHAHAHAHA that's how I woke up and it was so funny to see that as soon as I opened my eyes i was laughing so bad AHAHAHHHAHA

Y/N - Hehe LOL

Rosie - Unnie is something wrong?

Y/N - Hmm? Umm no well maybe I'm a little sick

Rosie - Oh ok. HI OPPA!

Jimin - Hi, how are you both? I haven't been able to meet up for a few days, I'm sorry

Rosie - Well that's a good thing

Jimin - Huh?

Rosie - Umm nothing

Y/N - *tries not to laugh*

Jimin - Ok then see you later

Rosie & Y/N - Bye


Oof that's messed up

So basically I stopped writing here, I myself don't really know what I'm gonna write next but I'm telling you the next two chaps are gonna be the most exciting


[ oh and also, Minji's gonna be iNtErEsTiNg]

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