Astrid Styles is a Actress who has been very successful in her career but her ex Boyfriend and all the friends she left in London by moving to New York without an explanation still bothers her ,but until now she can't keep her daughter Artemis A se...
"Tom?Tom?TOM!"Haz says trying to get My attention. "What!?"I reply. "Okay! Someone's in a mood"he replies.
"Look Haz mate I know that you and Astrid are close but did she ever tell you she had a daughter?"I question.
"EXCUSE ME WHAT.........WHAT DID U just say?....THAT SHE HAS A DAUGHTER NO WAY SHE WOULD HAVE TOLD US THAT well.... maybe not you but SHE WOULD'VE TOLD ME!"He starts yelling.
"Or maybe she just wanted to keep it a secret?!"i try to stay calm.
"Look mate I don't know what the fuck is going on between you and Astrid but you need to solve that shit out because I don't want our friend group to be :1 set of ex'es and some mutual friends.OKAY GET THAT SHIT IN YOUR HEAD and please just talk to her.Haz says nearly missing the old Astrid.
The old Astrid was fun,Alcoholic,and didn't give a shit about anything but she's....she's a mother.she's responsible and mature.I don't know. What is happening but something is fucked up with her telling me that Artemis is 6 and not 7.Artemis has to be my child or maybe I don't know ......I don't know anymore if Astrid will ever look at me the same way as before she moved WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION but I need to take it slow. I know how bad Her Anxiety can get and I don't want anything bad for her or Artemis.
Back to you.
I let Artemis watch T.V as I go on Instagram.I see that Toms dm'ed me saying at what time the bonfire is and etc..I reply to him saying "okay" and take a glance at Artemis.She's enjoying her life,but it's all about to change with Tom knowing.As much as I don't want to tell him I have to.but the thoughts keep coming back of him wanting Full Custody.I guess I'm overthinking or maybe......?
I get Artemis ready in a cute top and some jeans just something casual nothing over the top. I get ready myself and head over.As I'm walking I see that Nikki and Dom(Toms parents)aren't home.I ignore the weird feeling and go over to the backyard where everything has been set up.
Tom comes over to say hello!But I realize that Artemis is hiding behind my legs. Tom bobs down so he's her height and says.
"Hello,there Artemis.I'm your moms best friend"he exclaims. "Uhhh Hii.I'm Artemis"she says a little more comfortably.
I'm surprised Tom still thinks of me as his best friend and not Ex girlfriend.He's changed and I mean really changed. Later everyone come to meet Artemis including:The twins(Sam and Harry Holland),paddy (Toms younger brother)and even Tessa(Toms dog) and Haz.I can see that he is pissed off about some shit.
Hi quickly grabs my arm and drags me inside.
"Ouch what was that for?"I question but I know he's answer. "Ohh yea that was for NOT TELLING ME YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER WHO IS 6 YEARS OLD AND YOU'VE KEPT HER A SECRET FROM ALL OF US"typical Haz if he doesn't know something that anyone else does he'll flip out.
"BECAUSE I WANTED TO KEEP HER A SECRET FROM THE TOXIS SOCIAL MEDIA HARRISON!"I reply sarcasticly. "Okay she back" "Wait whose back....huh....... what tell me whose back?"I question. "The old Astrid"he replies. "Ohhh no she's not.she's......entered motherhood soo she's locked up deep down in there"I explain. "Don't worry I'll free her from hand cuffs"Haz says hopefully. "She can't come back....She has responsibilities now"I say as I walk away.
I walk over and see Artemis(Your daughter)playing with Tessa you weren't concerned about Artemis with new people because you've realized that she's more like young you who was social and warmed up to everyone quickly but after heart breaks,betrayal and more things you became cold hearted,anti-social and just not you anymore.
"Not surprised to be honest she did get really drunk last night"I say.
You guys sit on the couches around the bon fire.
It looked Some thing like this or you could just imagine :)
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You guys took your spots and you were sitting next to Tom but Artemis sat in the middle of you both. Haz and Gigi sat next to each other(their dating btw).You guys started talking your lives have been you weren't really saying anything just Haz and Gigi talking. Then Haz asked you something unexpected.
"So Astrid you didn't tell any of us why you moved so quickly and came back again?"he questioned.
I knew this was coming but this was too soon,I decided to stay calm and say.
"I did tell some of u-
At that moment I see Toms eyes on me wanting more explanation.
"Like Gigi and Bella"I say "WHAT YOU TOLD THEM BUT NOT ME?!"Haz yells yet AGAIN. "HEY! SHE DIDNT TELL ME EITHER"Tom continues
Before I could say anything I get a call.I was really pleased about the call.I take my phone out to see who it was and it was Artemis best Friends mom from New York.
"Sorry guys it's important"I excuse myself.
I can see all of their eyes on me except Artemis she's just enjoying the warmth and her roasted marshmallow. I pick up the call.
On the phone.
"Hey Ari Whats up?(Ari is short for Ariana.Ariana is Artemis's best friends mom you two are close friends as well) "Soo bad news"she states. "Okay spill it out"I reply. "So you know how Issey's (issey is Artemis's best friend) birthday party is next week?"she explains. "Yeaa andd"I reply "I red the dates wrong it's this week on Friday but it's totally okay if you can't come but Isley would really appreciate if you do so"she says quickly. "Okay........ofc Well be there but Friday!"I say. "Omg thank you byeee love you" "Byeee love you too"I end the call. End of call
I see all of them look at each other when I said "love you",I know what they're thinking but that's not the case here.I go sit down and Haz asks me.
"Love you huh?" He says demanding an explanation. "That was just a friend"I reply. "More like boyfriend..huh?"yet again he says. "But that none of your business Harrison is it?"I say. "Yeaa true...spill it out"he understands but wants to understand more. "So Artemis's best friends birthday party was next week but now it's on Friday"I say. "Soo your leaving again to New York?"tom asks. "Probs"I reply. "Well this time you a least have an explanation!"Haz shrugs. "Hahahaha very funny Haz"I say sarcastically.
You guys wrapped up the night and y'all went back home as soon as you got home you tucked Artemis in bed and went straight to book a flight a booked a flight for Wednesday.(it's Sunday today)and went to sleep your self.
A/n:Hey! Luvs hope you're enjoying this book so far and I promise there's drama coming in soo I'll try to update it as mush as I can. Word count=1250