Amusement Park

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Your POV
Today was very chill and it was basically just me checking out suitcases for the millionth time to make sure I had everything.
Then I heard my phone buzzing I quickly picked it up to reveal Tom!

On the phone.

"Hey Astrid"Tom greets.
"Hello!"I reply.
"Soooooooo u have any plans today?"He questions.
"No..not exactly why?"I reply.
"Maybe u wanna go to umm"He said nervously.
"To where?"I questioned.

Then I heard Someone snatch the phone from him.

"Hey Astrid is Haz and Tom wanted to ask u on a date to a amusement park"Haz said.
"Okay..but Artemis is very young for any of the-
"I'll take care of her don't worry"He interrupts.
"Okay what time?"I question.
"In 20 minutes"Haz replies.
"Sure be there in 20"I say.
"K byee"Haz states.
"Bye"I say ending the call.

I don't even know hey I said yes but now I've said and need to accept it.

"Arty We are going somewhere c'mon get ready!"I say to Artemis,
"Oooo okay!"She replies.

After some time u and Artemis get ready and are ready to go!.

What you're wearing:

This is what Artemis is wearing:

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This is what Artemis is wearing:

U put your shoes and on head out side

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U put your shoes and on head out side.Artemis runs towards Tom and you walk just at a normal pace.
Then I see Haz walk in with that scandalous grin on his face.

"Artemis your coming with me"Haz states.
"Wait why?"She questions.
"Because your  mommy and daddy need a day off"He simply says.
"Oh okay"she goes over to him.

Later her and Haz walk away to Toms and Haz's house as that where he is staying then Tom turns to me.

"Let's go shall we?"He asks.
"Come on"I reply.

We get in his car and as much as I'm asking which destination we are going to he isn't telling me finally I give up and after some time we park across a amusement park that Tom,Haz,Gigi and me used to go to.

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