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A/n:this chapter was really cute to write ngl anyways enjoy

Your POV

After I remember that I have to call zen because she told me to after the surprise so u excuse yourself and go call her not far away from everyone but close enough for them to hear your conversation.

(The call)

"Hello Mrs.Osterfield"I greet.
"Hello Mrs.Holland" she teases.
"Anyways what u wanna tell me?"I ask.
"Oh yea Haz is coming with me to New York"She starts.
"Knew that"I add.
"Wait-how?"She asks.
"Ohh Uhh Yea Tom- yea Tom got a call from Haz and Haz told Tom"I reply.
"Okay....anyways after me and Haz come to New York U and Tom .Haz and I should go on a double date!"She suggests.
"Okay...wait let me check with Thomas and I'll call u back"I say ending the call.

I walk over to where Tom is.....

"Tom can u come with me for a second"I say.
"Uhhh sure"He agrees.

We walk over to a corner.

"Zen wants us to go on and double date with them"I say.
"And why u telling me that?"he asks.
"U know I just thought we need to figure things out"I shrugging.
"Oh love we do but we'll leave that for tonight okay?"He replies as he lifts up my chin.
"Okay I'll text her and confirm we r coming"I say pulling my phone out.
"Wait what about Artemis?"I ask.
"I'm sure Robert will take care of her"He replies.
"R u sure?"I ask.
"I'll ask him later"Tom assures.

I text zen that we're coming and go where all the others are.

"Sooooooooo what happened back there?"Scarlett asks.
"Nothing"I reply.
"U guys seemed close"Lizzie adds with a foolish smirk.
"And?"I reply.
"Don't play the question game with us Astrid"Brie says.

As I'm about to speak Chris(E) calls us over as we are going to dinner.As a big Marvel cast and of course everyone can't be here but u know something is better than nothing.


(After dinner)

After dinner everyone went their way home and Artemis,Tom and u went straight home as Artemis was tired and so were u.So as soon as u get home u all change your clothes and u tuck Artemis in bed.

"She must be tired"Tom whispers.
"Seems like it"I say.
"Maybe we could stay up for a drink?"He questions.
"Sure"I reply.

We go sit down near the window reflecting the New York night light.Everything is so quite and everyone is lost in their own world no one cares what others are doing or if anyone is watching them.

"Astrid before u moved did u really tell anyone?"He asks.
"I- yea only Bella,Gigi and Daya"I reply.
"But they said thy didn't know anything"He says while sitting down next to me.
"I told them not to tell u"I say looking down.
"Why?"He asks.
"I- I was lost in a different world I was scared of being a mother but also leaving my childhood,my whole life behind and plus u had got the role u had been wanting for years and it just didn't feel right to me making u quit the role for-
"So u knew I would quit the role"He interrupts.
"I guessed so"I say still not making eye contact.
"But Tom I really do regret all my decisions and I can totally understand if u can't forgive me but-
"First when u told me I was furious I was angry I- was disappointed but later the more I thought about it the more I understood your situation"He says lifting my chin up.

At that moment everything stopped the noise the air and all our surroundings.It was just Tom and I staring deeply into each others eyes while he gazed into my green eyes.I gazed at his comforting brown eyes.
Suddenly I feel butterflies in my stomach.
He slowly puts his hand on my cheek and I do the same.He leans in and so do I .The kiss was long but passionate.We both pull away still in the same position,still looking into each others eyes.

"Astrid I have to asks u something"Tom states.
"Is it bad?"I ask.
"What if we could try again like our relationship?"He asks.
"Maybe we could"I reply.
"So will u be my girlfriend again?"He asks.
"Hmmm let me think?"I tease.
"I- what"He says confused.
"I'm kidding yes I'll be your girlfriend again"I reply laughing.
"It good to have my smiling Astrid back"He says kissing my cheek.
"We should go to sleep it already 2:00am"I state,
"2-what?"He says shocked.
"Yep"I say showing him my phone.

A/n:Hey luvs hope u enjoyed this part and if u don't mind remember to check out my other books but u don't have to.🥰😊❤️❤️

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