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In the morning:

Your POV:

I woke up but decided to let Artemis Sleep in as she seemed tired from last night.
I got ready for the Dayan surprisingly I has energy today.
I picked out my outfit which was just some mom jeans,a white crop top and a zip-up Jacket.I went downstairs to make breakfast but decided to get some from the bakery down the street as in high school Haz,Tom,Gigi and I would always go there before school.

So I waited for Artemis to wake up so we both can go to the bakery.
I sat on the couch just scrolling through Insta (Instagram) when I realized the paparazzi had managed to take some pictures of me at the air port,Wasn't so pleased about the paparazzi not giving me privacy but you know.....they're just doing their job but it's not very exciting for me to have random people following me around for just some pictures.

Soon After I decide to finally wake up Artemis considering it's almost 10:00 and It was getting a little late for her to wake up anyways.So I go to her room to see her about to get out of bed.

"Morning darlin"I greet.
"Good morning mommy!"she replies excited as always.Sometimes I wonder how she has so much energy.
"Soo let's get you ready for the day?shall we?"I say.
"Okay!"she replies.

After that I get her ready and choose her outfit which is just some sweat pants and a basic white t-shirt.As we're walking out of her room and down the hall way.

"Missy(Artemis's nickname) u want some cake for breakfast?"I question.

I don't normally give her too much sugar for her meals especially breakfast because I can't bear how much energy she gets just from sugar.But I decided just for today it should be fine.

"YES,YES,YES"She says enthusiastically.

I giggle at her bolting down the stairs to get her shoes on.I quickly grab my keys and go get my shoes on and head towards the car.

I open the car and get Artemis strapped in her back seat.As I'm about to get in the car I hear Tom?.

"Hey!Astrid where u going?"he asks.
"Oh,to the bakery down the about you?"I Reply.
"Same!.......soo maybe wanna go together?"he asks.
"Uhh sure but Artemis will be coming with us as well"I reply.
"That's great so...-
"My car"I cut him off.

He gets in my car (Which is a Tesla).

"Hii Artemis"he says.
"Are u coming with us?"she questions.
"Yep"he replies.

We get to the shop,I get Artemis out of her seat and we walk in to the store.
We find a table near the window because I want too bothered about paparazzi because I didn't see them as much in London than New York.
The waiter comes over and asks for our order.

"So what can I get you guys today?"she asks.
"I'll just a chocolate mud cake and a tea"Tom says.
"And..I'll get the Oreo Crepe  cake and a Iced coffee"I say next.
"And what would little miss here like?" She says looking at Artemis.
"Ummmmm....mommy can I Get the rainbow crepe cake please"She says looking for my approval.
"Can u add a hot chocolate to that please.that would be great"I say to the waitress.
"sure anything else?"She asks,
"No that should be fine thank you"I say.
"Yep your order will be here in 5 mins."she replies.

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