11 - Rise And Shine

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The warmth of a nice bed was still something Ko was adapting to. It was actually quite a strange feeling going from sleeping on metal scraps to sleeping on a nice soft mattress, even if she'd been doing so for almost a month now.

She rocked around in bed, trying to get comfy as the warm sun rose into the sky. The duvet felt nice on her skin as she held it tightly.

Slowly she forced her eyelids open and the blurry sights of the bedroom filled her vision. She let out a slight yawn and stretched her arms out wide before looking around. Gazing over at Fischer's bed, she noticed he wasn't there. It looked as if he'd attempted to make his bed, but ended up making it look like a pet's mat instead.

Sitting up, she swiped the duvet off her body. She rose to her feet and rubbed her eyes before heading over to the sink.

Splashing some cool water over her face to help freshen up, she noticed her hands had that strange feeling again. Like they were on fire, but not actually burning.

It was a bizarre sensation, one she couldn't explain even if she tried. And it didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it either. Was this part of her glimpses? Or was she just unwell? So many questions racing through her head like a whirlpool, yet none of them had any answers.

She finished splashing her face and went to turn the tap off, not before taking a glimpse of herself in the mirror. It still made her feel uneasy, looking at herself. She remembered the first time she looked in the mirror back at Fischer's house. She saw the same thing now as she did back then.

She saw herself. But she didn't see Ko. It was almost like she was looking at a stranger. She recognised her features. The red collar, the pale white scales, the blue around her nose and fins, her big aqua eyes, her broken fin.

But that's all she saw.

"What's wrong with me?" she whimpered, staring into her own fearful eyes.

Who was this person staring back? It wasn't someone she knew.

trying her best to block out the thoughts, she walked back to her bed and seized her purple cloak, wrapping it around herself. She walked up to the door and was slightly surprised when it opened automatically as she approached. It revealed the hallway to her and she left the room the same way she entered.


"Well I ain't complaining. This place is like a palace compared to back on Earth!" Fischer remarked, taking another swig of cynip. Kori and Quin sat next to him on the table with empty glasses and surprisingly Earth-like looking cutlery.

"One day we'll get you up to the Lapiz and I swear, once you see that you better stop complimenting this place!" Kori boomed. Quin shook her head playfully as his joke.

"Yea, if we can even afford it. That place honestly costs more than a moon. We aren't exactly farming platinum out here. Might take a while to rake up enough for that," she jested.

As the three of them joked, a slight noise from the end of the room caught their attention.

"Hey there sleepyhead," Fischer chirped as Ko stumbled down the stairs. She gave the three of them a warm smile as she made her way over.

"Hey. I-I'm sorry. . . about. . . about last night. . . I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to yell at you," she lamented as she took a seat next to Fischer.

"Hey, you've got nothing to be sorry for bud. You were tired and scared. Don't blame yourself for that," he stated, giving her a gentle pat on the back.

"You sleep well?" Quin asked.

Ko nodded her head and smiled. "Yea. . . actually, thanks. I haven't slept like that in long time. . . it was nice,"

"Well glad to finally have some good news ey?" Kori grinned.

"There's more to come. You're just. . . in. . . time. . . Ko, breakfast is served," Trikka grunted as she set a plate of steaming hot food on the table.

"Panapara. Classic carcan breakfast. Dig in!"

Ko inspected the food on the table, watching as the others immediately began to chow down. The food resembled the pancakes that Fischer made back on Earth. She felt her stomach rumble slightly as she thought back to what they tasted like.

Fischer chuckled as he watched her snout twitching like a kitten's as she figured out what to make of the strange meal.

"Ey, just eat it Ko! It'll get cold if ya keep sniffing at it like that! Tastes great!" He exclaimed, shoving a forkful into his mouth.

Looking around, she saw the carcans also seemed to be stuck in their meals. Shrugging slightly, she raised the piece of food to her mouth and took a bite.

It had a very similar texture to bread back on Earth, but it crumbled to bits as she chewed on it, almost like it was a biscuit. It definitely wasn't better than Fischer's pancakes, but it certainly was a hell of a lot better than the sludge she was force fed back on Diamar, so it went down in just a few bites.

"There ya go!" Kori laughed as Ko chowed down on the panapara.

The five of them sat round for a little longer as they ate, laughing and joking with one another. Through the midst of it all, Ko couldn't help but feel a little off. As to why, she still didn't know. But it felt like she really didn't belong. She didn't belong with these people, almost like she didn't deserve it. Like they'd be much happier without her. Like she was just bringing the mood down.

She did her best to ignore it and continued to smile as the others jested and laughed.

After all was said and done, Trikka got to her feet and gathered up everyone's plates and glasses, heading over to the sink.

Fischer stood up as well and gently tucked his chair into the table.

"Well, I guess that's that. Honestly guys we can't even begin to thank you for how much you've done for us, this really means the world. But I guess we'll be out of your way now," he stated.

Quin and Kori exchanged confused looks with one another.

"Wait. . . you're leaving?" Quin asked, puzzled. Her confusion seemed to spread on to Fischer's face as well.

"Uh. . . yea. You guys said we could stay for one night? It's been a night. We don't want to stay any longer than we have to,"

"Don't be an idiot mate!" Kori laughed, "You can stay here as long as you need. Besides, where else are you going to go?"

Fischer opened his mouth to respond but froze when he realised Kori had a point.

They had no money, nor any understanding of the planet they were on or even the galaxy they were in.

"Touche. . . but even still we don't want to be more effort for you. You said it yourself Trikka, you're not a hotel," he replied.

Trikka stood with one hand on her hip, her head tilted to the side.

"You know, I could always use a set of helping hands in the kitchen. . . Kori here is terrible with knives," she chuckled. Kori met her remark with beady eyes, but they didn't last long.

"She's right, Fischer. As long as you two can help out from time to time, you're welcome to stay as long as you like. Our home is now yours," he resounded.

A huge beaming smile spread across Fischer's face as he listened.

"You guys are too kind. Really, someday we'll pay you back," he vowed.

"Ay, we'll keep you to that one," Quin chirped while waving a finger in his direction.

"Well then. . . how can we help out?" Ko asked.

Kori stepped forwards slightly and grinned.

"Well, ya can start with the ekranoplan."

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