10- Angels

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"Y-you know m-me?" Quin asked hesitantly pointing to herself. 

"Ko? What are you talking about?" Kori asked.

"I. . . I've seen you before," she stuttered.

The two carcans and Fischer stared blankly at Ko who seemed to be in just as much confusion as they were.

"You said you saw creatures in your vision didn't you? I remember you saying that now," Fischer stated, his voice lowering slightly. 

She nodded slightly, huddling tightly in the blanket. 

"Did you see her again this time? You were out for a lot longer than normal. You had us really worried Ko," he mumbled, gently caressing her shoulder. 

"I-it was different this time. . . I saw everything a lot clearer. . . it was like I was there. There was this huge desert and this temple and there was this voice, it keeps telling me to light a lantern. Every time I hear it, it's always telling me to light the lantern and that Agaron is watching me or something, I don't know what's going on!" she whimpered.

She slowly fell against Fischer's shoulder and curled up into even more of a ball, her tail wrapped around her body and lay on her knees. 

"Wait wait wait. . . A-Agaron?" Kori asked. The three looked over at him, Ko shaking her head slightly. 

"Does that mean anything to you?" Fischer asked, preying for some sort of answer to Ko's blackout.

"It didn't until you brought it up. You guys know the Archangels right? Well they-"

"Wait wait wait, Archangels? What are they?" Fischer asked.

Before he could continue any further, Trikka walked in with several glasses on a plate. Noticing Ko was awake, a grin spread across her face.

"Oh thank god you're awake Ko, you had us worried sick!" she exclaimed, handing her one of the drinks. "Here, cynip. Should make you feel nice and warm."

"Ko knows Quin apparently," Kori stated bluntly. 


"I saw you Quin. . . in one of my vision things. . . I saw you. . ." Ko explained.

"Wait, you saw her in a vision? Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn't just some sort of crazy dream? There are a lot of carcans out there. I'm sure you just envisioned someone else," Trikka replied, coming to as logical a conclusion as she could.

Ko shook her fiercely, "No, it was her, it was Quin. She had the same colours on her, she had the same green and purple eyes, she had the same blotch of lights instead of the stripes that you two have. It was Quin," She replied, adamant the carcan that was sitting in front of her and the one in her glimpse were one in the same. 

"Alright then. . ." Trikka said, a stain of disbelief on her tongue. 

"What Kori, what were you talking about when you said 'Archangels'? I've never heard of them before. What are they, another race?" Fischer asked.

Kori bobbed his head from side to side, trying to figure out what exactly to say. 

"Ehhh well yes and no. Look it's hard to explain. But basically they are an ancient legend. The story says that a long long time ago there were these two races of ancient beings. One race were called the Archangels, the other called the Fallen Angels. Legend has it they got into a huge war that we now today call 'The Divide'. No one is sure if it actually happened or not."

"There's been quests to a part of space known as 'The Rift.' Basically a part of space that's covered with black holes. Long story short, one of the most dangerous places in known space. The theory is in that sector is where the divide happened," Trikka added.

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