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As I take one step forward, I felt how our hearts were touching each other  in a daringly endearing way

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As I take one step forward, I felt how our hearts were touching each other  in a daringly endearing way. When I took two, I sensed the cacophony of your soul, the bumbling music of your heart. Curious; I opened my forever closed eyes that were allergic to vivacity and worshippers of apathy, and alas they fell on you.Accident or serendipity? I don't know. You; a butterfly who dances with the never ending music of nature, untiringly kisses flowers after flowers with windswept beauty of your wings.  I snickered, 'how lucky of you to fly with such light wings near the cotton clouds!' And little did I know, how audacious I was! How my scornful eyes missed the burdensome emotions behind your dreary wet wings. The clouds that I compared to cottons with utmost softness, were something that made you struggle in the heavy rain ignoring your tears. The flowers that you kissed regardless of their races, their colors, their beauties- you didn't  even bother  about the thrones underneath that made you bleed.

And when realizing all these, I took the third and final step, I embraced you with the whispering hope that hadn't died in my heart yet, to live again with all the frivolity I have missed till... you smiled timidly and passed away. Just when I jumped into the abyss of the hell of your heart; dark, unexplored, thrilling; I found myself lost, as if it never existed, you feel like a deja vu!

That very twilight was when our hearts collided and souls divided; mine to rot and lament on soil and yours to the infinity, to forgiveness, to the enchanted.

           With love that we have yet to experience,
                                 Yours  Soleil.

           With love that we have yet to experience,                                  Yours  Soleil

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