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"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

A soft smile adorned her glossed lips as she watched the handsome boy in front of her expectantly. Hana was in an extraordinarily good mood that day. It was a beautiful fall day and good weather never failed to make her happy. Not only that, but it was also Friday and besides the fact that she was free of school in a few hours, her classes on Fridays were more than bearable.

Watching the towering guy in front of her, her mood started to shift slowly as she noticed the uncomfortable expression he was wearing.

"Is everything alright?" she tilted her head with a frown, chuckling uncertainly, "You look quite worked up."

The boy however only cleared his throat awkwardly, looking anywhere but her eyes.

Hana was starting to get more and more nervous with every second as she realized his actions were, in fact, out of his character. It's not often that he pulls her into a secluded corridor, away from other students, to talk to her in private. His awkward and nervous stance spoke of anything but good news.

The possibilities of what could have happened started to tug at her thoughts uncontrollably, making her purse her lips with a worried frown as she didn't take her eyes away from the handsome boy.

"Let's break up."

This, she did not expect at all.

Hana felt a thousand bricks crushing her ribcage. She took a few steps back, looking at him in utter confusion.

"What?" she whispered, her arms wrapping around her middle instinctively, her dusky brown eyes displaying the amount of surprise and hurt. "Why?" she choked, looking up at her senior who stepped from one foot to another, guilt pouring painfully from his features.

"We're not what we used to be anymore," he muttered, finally meeting her eyes but cringing immediately at the obvious disbelief in them, "I don't think there's a point in prolonging it anymore."

Silent, she watched him for a moment before looking away, the confusion stopping her mind from working properly.

She couldn't lie to herself, she was dreading this moment. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew they wouldn't last forever. They were still in high school, she was the girl no one knew and he was the handsome senior from the student council. Smart, outgoing, popular. Everything she was not.

But till now, she thought they were working out just well. She thought they were both happy. They had a healthy relationship, they barely argued, confided in each other, understood each other, made each other laugh.

Taking a deep breath she got rid of the invading thoughts, looking up at the boy in newfound panic.

"W-wait, Jin no, let's talk about this first, please. Tell me what I did wrong, we can work on this, I promise-" the boy however stopped her waterfall of ramblings, looking at her guiltily but in a plea.

"It's not you, you didn't do anything wrong." The girl silenced herself, looking at him with her lips shut tight. Observing him, she couldn't see a single hint of doubt, he was deadly serious and set on his goal. He wanted them to end.

"...then why?" she whispered, her vulnerable voice giving away the fight inside her that she was clearly losing.

"I'm simply not happy in this relationship anymore, I hope you can accept that," he answered with a blank face this time, his hands in his pockets as he looked down at the girl in front of him.

He felt bad for throwing away the two years he spent with her. In the end, he did like the girl very much. However, for him, it was pointless to drag this on as he no longer felt the pull towards her he did two years ago.

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