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Kicking the pebble in front of her continuously, Hana made her way towards her apartment complex, the plastic bag in her hand swinging around in the air

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Kicking the pebble in front of her continuously, Hana made her way towards her apartment complex, the plastic bag in her hand swinging around in the air.

She felt tired, making her thank God it was Friday. She didn't know whether she would be able to go to school the next day and deal with people and classes.

She stopped crying hours ago and by now, she felt numb and exhausted. It was still difficult to grasp the fact that she went through a breakup today, her loud and tiring cries earlier drained her so much she felt like she was simply floating in nothingness. Yet dully, she could feel the remaining ache in her chest, one that exploded so painfully once she truly realized what had happened.

She wasn't counting on it at all. At least not this soon. Just that morning Seokjin had come to pick her up to school, had greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, and joked with her on the entire way to school. Everything seemed fine. Until he had come to her this afternoon, saying they need to talk.

Sighing, she opened the door of the building tiredly before shuffling in, closing it behind her with a heavy thud. Climbing up the stairs she aimed for her floor, however, instead of opening her own apartment door, she knocked on the one next to it, waiting patiently while trying to compose herself.

Quiet footsteps could be heard from the other side before the door opened, revealing an old tiny lady in a flowery dress, her face adoring a motherly smile the moment she saw Hana.

''Hana darling, come on in, come,'' she opened the door wider, letting the young girl in. Hana bowed gratefully before following the older woman inside her homely living room. She sat down on the couch with the plastic bag on her lap, the lady already fussing around, bringing all kinds of snacks and refreshments to the coffee table.

''Mrs Jung, it's really not necessary I just came to check up on you,'' Hana chuckled reaching up for the lady and sitting her down next to her.

''Oh come one child, let me take care of my guest.'' Hana laughed at the lady's whining, placing the plastic bag on the table with a smile.

''I brought you some cinnamon buns, I was walking by the stall so I thought I would get you some.'' Mrs Jung's face lit up at the mention of her favorite pastry.

''Oh my! You're such a sweetheart Hana, I have been thinking about these since today morning.'' Hana chuckled as the lady opened the plastic bag immediately, plating herself two buns.

She leaned against the couch with a little sigh, watching as Mrs Jung enjoyed the threats she got her.

The moment Hana moved in one year ago, the old lady immediately took on a parental role with her, always stopping by to help her with anything the girl needed, which was mostly cooking. Yet, of course, Mrs Jung was in her late years, and sometimes it was Hana who took on a parental role instead. There was no one else to look after Mrs Jung as she lost her husband years ago and they had no kids.

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