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Hana ran out of the school, choking on her own cries when she threw herself at Yerim who was still standing with Jungkook, the parking lot empty of students now

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Hana ran out of the school, choking on her own cries when she threw herself at Yerim who was still standing with Jungkook, the parking lot empty of students now.

''Oh my gosh, what the hell happened?'' panicked Yerim, hugging her friend and Jungkook neared them as well, terrified.

They have never seen their friend wail like this.

The two waited patiently for Hana to calm down and when there was nothing but little hiccups left Yerim pulled away, looking her in the eyes with Jungkook right next to her.

''What happened?''

Taking a deep breath Hana shook her head, avoiding their eyes.

''I-it's nothing I-''

''Hana don't shit with us, you look like you just saw a murder,'' scolded Jungkook in worry, holding her shoulders and searching her avoiding eyes.

Looking at him hesitantly, Hana tried to give him a little smile.

''I just...I thought I saw something in there. It was really dark and...scary,'' she muttered, looking down as few more tears rolled down her pale cheeks.

She couldn't possibly tell them what she really saw.

Seokjin and Ms Hwan making out.

Jungkook would freak out. He would rage and probably sprint down there to take care of everything himself. Yerim would fuss. But Hana had enough for the day. She didn't want to deal with anything anymore.

The two gave her unconvinced looks but let it be once they noticed their friend was calming down.

''Come on, let's take you home. Yerim will you be okay?'' Yerim gave them an 'okay' sign as Hana silently sat at the back of Jungkook's motorcycle.

''Yup, my mom should be here to pick me up soon, you guys go ahead.'' Nodding, Jungkook handed Hana his helmet. Muttering a shaky 'thank you' she took it from him and soon they took off towards Hana's apartment complex.


The next day, Hana had zero energy as she made her way to school. She didn't get a single wink of sleep, whenever she closed her eyes, she could see Seokjin making out with her history teacher in the darkness of a school corridor.

The thought repulsed her but it also didn't fail to make her want to wail in a dark hole forever.

She couldn't believe something like that actually happened. It felt so unreal. Seokjin having a thing with their teacher. It would be completely different if it was someone else, a student. But their teacher? Yet still, teacher or not, she knew that either way she would be devastated.

She knew she had no right to react like this, they broke up a week ago, he could do whatever he wanted.

But so soon? Did he really forget about her so quickly?

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