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"You should have worn something warmer

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"You should have worn something warmer." Hana narrowed her eyes at Jungkook and hugged herself tighter, the thin, white summer dress not protecting her from the chilly air conditioning in the huge museum.

"Well it's 30 Celsius outside, how was I supposed to know the museum would be this freezing," she grumbled, walking to another statue as she kept on cursing internally at the people running the place.

She felt like she was walking through the freezer section in the supermarket.

"Here take it, I'm tired of watching you shaking like a newborn chicken." Just barely she managed to catch the jacket Jungkook threw her way. With a grateful smile, she put it on, the black sporty jacket being a big contrast to the flowy summer dress she was wearing.

"Thanks," she sighed, hiding her palms in the long sleeves in an attempt to warm herself up.

"By the way,'' started Jungkook, stepping from foot to foot uncomfortably, making her frown, ''I really need to go to the toilet, I will be right back," he called, and before she could answer he was already running towards the toilets on the other side of the hall, the security guy a few feet away giving him a disapproving look.

"Alright," chuckled Hana to herself, shaking her head before she looked back at the row of statues in front of her.

She didn't bother to read the comments of each art piece, knowing it would be pointless as she would forget the stuff immediately. Instead, she let herself observe the art in front of her and soon she was consumed in her own world, going from one statue to another, till she approached the next room with paintings hanging all around the walls.

She was never good at decoding the purposes behind artworks but she let herself ponder anyway, frowning at the abstract illustrations.

However, a child's cry stirred Hana away from her deep thoughts, making her look around with a frown. Few steps away sat a little girl on the tile floor, her face in her palms while she wailed loudly.

Biting her lip, Hana looked around for someone who could potentially be the little girl's parent, and for the first time she realized, her and the little girl were the only ones in the spacy paintings' room. She jogged towards the kid, crouching down in front of her to rub her back.

"What's wrong hun? Are you lost?" she cooed. The little girl raised her head a little, her puffy eyes filled with tears. She looked at Hana, terrified.

"I can't find my mommy, I was trying to have some fun and play hide and seek, but now mommy is not here and I'm scared," she hiccuped, Hana's heart clenching as she hugged the little girl carefully.

"Don't cry, I promise we'll find your mommy," she reassured her, rubbing her back up and down, waiting for the little girl to calm down a little.

Once her cries turned into little hiccups Hana stood up, bending down to take the little girl's hand.

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