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Monday came too early and way before Hana could even think of picking herself up

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Monday came too early and way before Hana could even think of picking herself up. And whether she wanted it or not, she found herself sitting in history class at eight in the morning, regretting coming to school at all.

Even before, history was definitely not one of her favorite subjects. She found it too difficult trying to wrap her head around all the facts and events that happened over the thousands of years of the earth existing.

However now, not only did she dislike the subject, now it was the teacher as well. Not only that, but she was painfully aware of the young teacher trying to grab Taehyung's attention.

Hana thought she was with Seokjin now? Wasn't one guy enough?

She watched as Ms Kwon walked towards the poor guy once again, bending down to 'help' him with his work.

They were supposed to read a stupid article in their textbook.

She leaned her cheek against her palm, watching.

Being seated at the back of the class and two seats behind Taehyung, she could see the scene perfectly.

She frowned as the teacher adjusted her deep neckline, still bending down, uncomfortably close to the boy. Yet, Hana could see Taehyung wasn't interested. Or at least he tried to act that way.

What would Seokjin do if he saw this?

Would he get jealous?

She looked back down at her textbook, sighing. Better try not to think about that.

It seemed as if ages passed before the bell finally rang and Hana couldn't feel more relieved. She packed her books quickly before standing up. She was aiming for the door when she saw Taehyung stand up as well, walking towards the front of the class to exit.

''Taehyung, I would like to sp-'' Hana watched as Ms Kwon tried to call Taehyung over, however, the boy only ignored her, exiting the room quickly.

Hana bit her lip, walking slowly towards the front of the class. The moment the teacher met her eyes she quickened her steps as well, leaving the classroom in hurry.

She didn't intend to talk to the woman anytime soon.

She simply didn't know how to feel about her.


''Do you think she will visit you anytime soon?'' asked Yerim, making Hana sigh as she closed her locker.

''Mom is busy all the time, I doubt it,'' she muttered, walking towards the canteen. Yerim next to her hummed silently with a frown.

''Would you want her to come?'' Hana's steps faltered at that question however she tried to cover it up, resuming her walk.

''I don't know we are not that close.'' Yerim nodded, not saying anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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