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I wonder what would happen if a cow ate cheese? Or drank it's milk?

I've noticed I always end up thinking of the oddest stuff while driving home, where the thoughts come from beats me honestly.

I'm almost home, after a long day at school i'm ready for food. Hopefully there's food in the fridge to make from my mom.


Damn it. I forgot I have to make dinner tonight, mom isn't gonna be home. So I guess i'll have to have a snack to tide me over while I cook.

I have all my windows rolled down, while also blaring music. Not gonna talk about how i'm also singing loudly, wait scratch that i'm screaming loudly to the music.

I'm stopped at the stoplight when I look over at someone next to me, they seem to my age. They look like they're ready for a challenge.

A racing challenge. They rev up their engine as I turn down my music, oh they have no idea what they're going against.

I look at them then the light turns green, signaling it's time to start. I press on my gas pedal and just go for it.

I'm gonna win it, I know it. I look in my rearview mirror and I see my enemy behind me.

Hah I knew I was gonna win this one! 

That's until I hear the sirens.

I need to pull over, but no I decide i'm just gonna keep going. Maybe i'll be able to be let off the hook. I'm almost home anyways.

I look back again, the cop is no where to be seen.

Yes I knew i'd loose 'em! Then I look ahead of me, there he is sitting there wait for me.


I pull over and wait for the cop to come over to my window. When he does I smile at him innocently.

"Hello officer, nice day we're having right?" I say

He raises his eyebrows at me and sighs. "You're aware of the reason I pulled you over, correct?"

I nod "Yes sir, i'm sorry. I didn't see you there, plus he challenged me. It's his fault, but I won so that's good."

He stares at me blankly.

"Can I see your license registration please?" He says, obviously impatient in my behavior.

"Yes of course." I dig through my wallet, and grab out my license. "Here"

I hand him it, and he takes it. He walks on over to his car and I lean my head against my steering wheel.

My mothers gonna kill me.


So thankfully he let me off the hook, with a ticket of course. But if I get caught again i'm doomed.

So now i'm pulling into my driveway even more hungry than I was before.

I get out of my car and unlock the door, going into the house I set my keys down on their holder. I make my way into the kitchen for a snack to hold me over.

After my little snack, I start cooking dinner. Mac and cheese tonight, sounds really good honestly.

And that's exactly what I made of course, let me tell you it was delicious. I wish my mother was here to taste this righ-

I pause when I hear a knock on the door, knowing like nobody ever knock on our door.

"Do I answer..or just let it go?" I say trying to decide on an option, when the person knocks once again. I sigh and make my way over to door just hoping this isn't the day I get kidnapped.

Wait maybe it would be perfect, I would miss my finals..stop it.

I open the door, not expecting the person on the other side. Of course it's them.

"Oh?" I say feeling a bit shocked and startled at the same time. "How did you know where I-"

Aziel sighs and cuts me off, acting careless than ever. "I was thinking about it and I need the math answers and as much as I don't wanna say it, you are the best one to go to with this subject."

I raise my eyebrow at him not sure to believe the act, still slightly shocked on how he knew where I lived.

"And don't even try to say anything about the fact that you were the one I chose, if there was someone else you would be forgotten." He says, almost just inviting himself in my house.

"Oh excuse me, sorry was I in your way? Would you like to come in?" I roll my eyes and close the door behind me, just regretting the decision of answering the door.

SO SO sorry for not publishing for like ever! I have been busy with school lately so I haven't been able to check the app or anything like that! I will get better at doing this! Thank you for all the love and support!


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