🎩Hat Kid🎩

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I'm litteraly raging. The hourglass's smooth skin as I breathed a sigh of relief. The torture. The pain. The agony. It was all gone, just for a second. I felt piece and tranquility when I heard the blast of a trumpet pound my eardrum like a hammer. The whole world became slow. A dull expression came to my face in realisation. The band was back. I tried to scurry away mid air but gravity forced me to stay. It was over. I breathed a sigh of acceptance as a sea of tears fell from my eyes like rain, quickly turning into patches on the floor. It was over... I'm sorry mom and dad... I couldn't make it home... they were probably worried sick and now I cant even tell them goodbye. The cold metal hit my face forming a bruise a patch the colour of a fig on my cheek, as the other instruments came toppling down, scratching and clawing at my flesh like a mountain lion. Blood pooled beneath my feet and I started getting hazy, losing my blood quicker and quicker as all of the owls piled and piled. I pounced back up to discover a room full of warming items and fluffy pillows. I quickly realised this was my room, and I escaped that horrible nightmare. I shouldn't have ate that whole wheel of cheese before bed again...

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