🐰The Daughter Of The Hare And The Human🐰

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Warning: an original story again, sorry to yall who want more fanfictions but im piling up all my junk for my besties.

One day, in a nest deep underground, lay the child of a hare and a human. She was beautiful: thats for sure, getting men from all over to swoon for her. Once she got older, the daughter left the nest so that she could persue adventure and love, travelling to far countrues in search of the man of her dreams. She would occasionally visit her mother, though, and stay for a while to catch up on her siblings before she left again. One night, she met a man with hair as black as night and skin as white and fragile as snow. She had thought he was the one, but he gave one word of advice... 'maybe if you werent always black and white, id givw it a chance.' He went back to his family, leaving the daughter of the hare and the human to sulk in the streets alone. 'Why does nobody like me?' She cried out. 'Why do i have to be so ugly?' She yelped, before an unfamiliar figure appears. She was a woman, hair white like summer clouds in the sky and skin almost the same shade. 'I can take you to someone who can grant you your wish' she said, 'but it isnt going to be easy.'
'Ill do anything!' The daughter pleaded, holding her hands infront of her to beg before the unfamilliar woman helped her up from the ground. 'Then wed better start going!' The woman grabbed her bags and set out on a journey with the daughter of the hare and the rabbit, trying to find the fruit of desire. After months of searching, the woman and the daughter arrive at a large tree, a singular fruit hanging just in reach. The woman had helped the daughter get this far, but asked for nothing in return as the daughter took the fruit in her hand. 'I want to be colourful and pretty...' said the daughter of the hare and the human. As she bit into the soft flesh of the apple, the world around her changed into a burning sensation of colour and depth. She saw the woman, almost unrecognisably bright. Her hair was a light brown, swaying down to her lower back and a green mountain jacket over a white top and black pants. Even if her wish to see colour had been granted, she still hadnt changed in her appearance. 'I knew it wouldnt work, i knew it, i knew it!' The daughter cried as the woman frowned. 'It didnt need to work.' She piped up, as the daughter looked back at her with some amount of hope in her almost lifeless eyes. 'I think youre pretty now!' The daughter smiled 'really?' That was the day the daughter learned that she didnt need magic to be herself, and she was pretty. From that day on, the daughter and the woman vowed to never leave one another's side, facing their treacherous journeys together and stopping by eachothers families to see how they were doing once and a while, and on the occasion that they did stop for a rest, the daughter of the hare and the human would dye her hair so that she could appreciate all of the beautiful colours in the vast world to theur fullest. The marriage of the daughter and the woman was grand, and included all of the people theyd met together throughout their journeys, and a great party out in the city where they had both met. You dont need to be pretty to find love. You need to be yourself, and love who you love. And they lived happily ever after.

- the end

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