The Crying Child

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The cries of battle had silenced and once again the cries of the wounded were muffled by the silence of the dead, Odin stood looking out at the once beautiful Alfheim that had become a battleground. Houses of both the rich and poor were now burnout shells of what they once were only days before, to his right sat the open Bifröst and to his left a shattered shell of a cottage that was probably once quite pretty, Odin knew that he would have to return to his home of Asgard, to his Queen and two sons and yet something kept him here, like a force telling him qto search the burnout cottage. With a light sigh Odin ignored the Bifröst and walked to the cottage.

Bones of those who had once dwelled in the cottage crunched forebodingly under his feet as he drew closer and closer to it and that's when a cry filled his ears, but not the cry of an elder, it was a cry of a child, one that was in distress. Moving his feet faster Odin's feet ate up the rest of the way into the cottage, he pushed open the still solid door and stepped into the blackened home of the Elves. There in a large basket rolled in a smoldering blanket was a child the same age as Odin's sons Loki and Thor; tears had made tracks down the young girls soot covered cheeks.

"Come child" Odin spoke softly knowing if he had spoke any differently he would've startled the child "I will take care of you" he picked up the mound of blankets and with care walked to the Bifröst so he could take the child to Frigga, who had so longed for a daughter, he knew the girl would grow to be as strong as her Alfheim brethren.

~Days later~

The child of Alfheim was yet to speak but Frigga knew in her heart that the young girl was more than likely damaged by all that she had seen, even though the child wasn't her own Frigga treated her with as much love and care as she did with her sons who had not met the girl. Sorrow was a weight in Frigga's heart and she could see that the girl was still petrified because of what she had seen on the battlefield.

"Have you chosen a name for her?" an intrigued Thor asked his mother as they took a stroll in the gardens one day.

"Her name is Freya" Frigga told the boy as he stared in wonder at the blonde girl who sat in the sunshine on a chair that had been brought out into the garden for her to sit on, Loki who was holding Frigga's other hand tightened his hold on her.

"There is something different about her" he spoke sounding more like an elder then the young boy whose wide green eyes spoke of mischief more then the astuteness of the man he would most likely become.

"You are right my son, she is different but treat her like you would a sister" Frigga continued to lead the boys to Freya who was now reading a heavy book "she is now part of our family" Frigga smiled as Freya stood from her seat with grace that spoke of years of training, the girl bowed and then straightened. Freya stared questioningly at the two boys who were staring back at her with the same questions in their eyes.

"Freya these are your brothers Thor and Loki" Frigga spoke with such a soft voice she could see that Freya was relaxing instantly "Boys say hello, there is no need to be shy" Frigga placed her hands between both Thor and Loki's shoulder blades and pushed them forward.

"Hello" both boys spoke with a quiet nervousness as they waited for her to speak, but only Freya's mouth moved forming silent words that the wind blew away easily.

~Years later~

"You cannot do this Odin" Frigga all but shouted to the enraged Odin who carried an unconscious Freya in his arms, she hadn't been hurt during the fight between Thor and Loki at the end of the Bifröst which ended with Loki falling into the void between worlds, no Freya wasn't hurt at all in fact she was perfectly fine, no this time she had hurt someone else, her fury towards Loki had taken over her and it had ended with a battle that had destroyed the Bifröst in a massive explosion.

"I must" Odin growled out opening a portal to Midgard, he was planning to leave Freya in the care of a Midgardian organization that would hopefully help her control her rage, or at least that was what Odin was hopping would happen, he loved Freya as much as Frigga did and this was the only way he could protect both Asgard and Freya.

Odin stepped into the portal and was transported to one of the large Midgardian cities in seconds "Odin" a man called director Fury nodded and looked at the 20 year old in Odin's arms "This Freya?" Fury looked at Odin who laid Freya down on in the backseat of the metal beast that Fury was leaning on.

"Take care of her" Odin ordered leaving Freya a note that he tucked into the Midgardian shirt that Frigga had dressed her in, he stepped back into the portal and was transported back to Asgard "it is done, our daughter is safe with the Midgardians Frigga, there is no need to fret" he smoothed out the worry lines that marked her forehead with a kiss "She is cursed yet strong, like her brethren" even though his words were meant to be soothing Frigga was still worried for her daughter, and hoped that wherever Freya was that she forgive Frigga for the choice that was made.


Hey I just put this chapter up to see if people will be interested in it. It's probably one of my better fanfics, I hope you enjoy it and give me any feed back good or bad, I will reply to either.

~~ Katt xx

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