Thor, Protecter of Midgard... Sort of

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I stood on the bridge of Fury's Helicarrier and watch in amusement as Steve walked up to Fury who stood next to me and handed him a folded $10 note, making good on their bet. I glanced at Phil who was all but bouncing up and down in excitement because he had asked Steve if he could sign his Captain America trading cards that he kept in his locker.

"We got a hit" one of the guys, who was monitoring the line of computers, spoke breaking the uneasy that had settled after Nat had taken Bruce to see where he would be working for the next few days "50% match" the guy said as Phil made his way up to him "wait - 75%" he paused "95%" Fury looked at both me and Steve.

"Got get ready to grab Loki" Steve and I both nodded as we were all but dragged out of the bridge by Agent Hill whose cut was slowly healing from earlier.

"This should be easy" she said smiling as she handed me my uniform "the material will hold to fit you exactly, its fire prove, heat resistant and can even go up against Stark's weapons" she smiled as I changed not really caring if she caught sight of my exposed flesh, on Alfheim being naked was slightly normal, but on Midgard everyone covered up, it was quite annoying.


Steve and I ran through the crowded streets of Berlin and came to a halt near the museum where Loki now stood, making his way through the crowd he slowly stopped in front of an elder who was standing up to him. "Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example" Loki moved his sceptre and pointed it at the old man, its light shone blue and just as an energy beam shot out Steve jumped in the way, the beam of light bounded off his shield and knocked Loki on his backside.

Steve rose to his feet and stared down at Loki who was still sitting on the floor, his eyes weren't trained on Steve, they were boring into mine relief, betrayal and pain flashed in his green eyes as they took in what i was wearing and who I was now standing near. Steve spoke up as Loki got to his feet and the crowd who were all kneeling, stood and ran back to give us space "You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing" I helped the old man to his feet and handed him off to one of the people who took him deeper into the crowd.

"The soldier. A man out of time." he then looked at me and glared hatefully "and my own sister, how sweet, the freak has come to see her fake fathers captive have she?" he grinned when he saw the his words had struck a cord with me, cringing I looked down at my feet as Steve moved to stand in front of me.

"I'm not the one who's out of time" Steve said as Loki looked up to see the Quinjet, that was piloted by Nat, point its loaded guns at him.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down" nat's voice came over the PA system of the jet as it hovered expertly over us.

In the half a second it would take you to blink Loki shot at the Quinjet with his sceptre, there was a bright flash of blue, and the bolt of energy missed the jet that Nat steered out of the way.

"Loki thats enough" I growled, my anger starting to get a hold of me, its razor like claws tore away at my control and I all but lost my shit when I pounced on Loki who's grinning wickedly at me, he knew what he was doing and by the looks of it he didn't care. I pushed him to the ground and growled in his face making him shrink away from me in fear my eyes no doubt pulsating purple "I am no freak" I spat my voice turning low and demonic "brother" I made a move to grab his throat but he was faster then I had anticipated and blasted me back using his sceptre, landing on my back with a groan i lifted my head just enough to see Steve fighting Loki.

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