A Whole New World

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Two years that's how long I've been away from Asgard, been away from my brothers and mother, and in those two years every time I went anywhere, coughed, sneezed or fell over S.H.E.I.L.D would study me and try to figure out why I was so clumsy. I didn't mind, I mean they did give me a nice apartment in New York, with an endless supply of food and books so I was more then content with what I had been given but still my heart longed to be back home with my siblings and mother.

A knock sounded on the front door of my apartment, I wasn't expecting anyone, and when I opened the door I wasn't expecting to see a pissed off Nick Fury with Agent Phil Coulson and Maria Hill standing behind him both looked worse for ware "Are you okay?" I gestured for them to come in and ran into the kitchen to grab a first aid kit so I could help Maria with her superficial wounds that were on her face and hands.

"Better then I was a few hours ago" she pushed her hair out of her face so I could get to the inch long cut that was bleeding slightly. Grabbing an alcohol wipe from the kit that I had sitting on my lap, I dabbed the swab across her cheek and cleaned away the crusted blood.

"What happened?" I asked looking at Fury who was staring crankily out the picture window with his arms crossed, he was in his usual attire, black pants, shirt and leather trench coat while a patch covered his left eye.

"An Asgardian came though the Tesseract portal" Fury said though clenched teeth, he was never like this when he was in my company, he was always so cheeky and sarcastic.

"Thor?" I asked, my hope must of showed in my eyes because Maria shook her head "Who then?"

"Loki" Fury said turning to look me straight in the eyes "he has control over Barton and Selvig as well as some of our other agents"

"He's alive?" I looked down as tears prickled in my eyes, why would he do this? Why would he not come to see me if he was on Midgard?

"What do you mean?" Coulson asked putting a hand on my back to rub comforting circles on my shoulder blade.

"The last time I saw my brother was after the Bifröst was destroyed, he was holding onto my hand as we dangled off the edge of the rainbow bridge, but he couldn't of survived, I saw him let go and fall into the void between worlds, I heard him say goodbye as he fell" tears dripped down my cheeks as the last memory of my home replayed in my head, I could still see the sadness in his eyes as he fell, even then he didn't want to leave me alone with Thor or father because some how he knew that father would send me either back to my cage or somewhere far from home.

"Well he must have gotten help after he fell" Fury said while Maria handed me a tissue from the box that sat in my coffee table, I dabbed my eyes dry and stared at Fury.

"If he got help from someone in the void then they must be very old and very dangerous" I glanced at Coulson who stiffened next to me "you asked me when I first woke in Midgard if I wanted to be part of the Avengers Initiative, you remember what I said?"

"You said that human lives don't fall under your protection, you said because it was Thor's job to protect us," Fury said with a tilt of his head.

"Now I'm changing my mind, if Loki has the Tesseract and plans to use it, then you need my help to stop him" I walked over to the coat that I had thrown over one of the sitting room chairs and shrugged it on before grabbing my keys and phone.

It's been a day or so since I agreed to join the Avengers and I had to yet meet most of them. Fury and I walked into an old Gym, a few blocks from my apartment, to see a guy in his mid twenties sucker punch a large bag, he'd hit it so hard that it flew across the room and split, spilling out it's contents onto the floor, he whiped away the sweat that was beading on his forehead and put another bag up.

"Trouble sleeping?" Fury said loud enough for the guy to hear.

"Slept for 70 years sir, I think I had my fill" he resumed punching the bag but not before turning his curious eyes onto me.

"Captain Rogers meet Freya Friggadottir" Fury gestured me to shake the guys hand "Freya this is Steve Rogers aka Captain America" I shook Steve's hand and smiled at him kindly, the years of charm training that my mother had drummed into me took control.

"Nice to met you ma'am" his handshake was strong and sure.

"Call me Freya" I smiled warmly at him and glanced at Fury who was waiting patiently beside me.

"You here with a mission sir?" Steve asked turning to his he pulled off the bandages that encased his hands so when he hit the punching bag his hands would bruise.

"I am" Nick replied as we watched Steve out the bandages into his gym bag.

"Trying to get me back in the world?" Steve asked with a boyish smirk that reminded me of Loki the last time I saw him.

"Trying to save it." Fury stated before nodding to me to hand over the files I was holding in my hands, in side one of them was every bit of information S.H.E.I.L.D had in the Tesseract and Hydra's other weapons.

"Hydra's secret weapon." Steve guessed

"Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs." Fury stated.

"Who took it from you?" Steve asked looking between us, and before Nick could even open his mouth I spoke up.

"He's called Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know." I smirked at him wondering what he would say when he found out I wasn't from this world, although I thought my violet colored eyes would've given it away.

"At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me." he smirked back at me

"Ten bucks says you're wrong. There's a debriefing package waiting for you back at your apartment." Fury murmured to Steve.

"Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?" I asked as he picked up a punching bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"You should have left it in the ocean." he said walking out of the Gym, leaving Fury and I alone.

Last of the Light Elves ~ A Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now