The Struggle in the Forest

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The air was screaming in my ears as Loki and I fell onto the unforgiving earth, landing on my side I rolled until I landed on my feet and stood up to glare at Thor who landed on his feet near us "Are you serious?" I shouted stepping in his way so I could stop him from going after Loki, who was laying on his back groaning about the impact.

"Hello sister" Thor said stepping around me so he could grab Loki by the scruff of his neck.

"Where is the Tesseract?" Thor demanded, glared at me when I slapped his hands away from Loki laying form.

"I missed you too" Loki Laughed as if Thor growling at him was no big deal, he lifted his head up just enough to look at Thor with glittering green eyes.

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!" Thor growled again stomping forward just enough to caused Loki to crawl back so he could at least sit up without someone grabbing his neck.

"Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth" Loki spat with a grin, rolling my eyes I stepped between the two "oh look our little freak of a sister is going to help me out" he smirked, putting on my most unthreatening face I reached behind him and smacked the back of his head really hard.

"Don't call me a freak" I said lowly "or else I may just turn my back and let Thor here beat the life out of you" I glanced at Thor who smirked at me knowing I would hold true to my threat. Dropping Mjölnir to the harsh ground, which caused the mountain to quake under the impact, he grabbed Loki and looked at him with soft eyes even though Thor was as pissed at Loki as I was for pulling the stunt he did in Asgard a family was everything even to us gods.

"I thought you dead" Thor said staring intently at Loki with soft eyes, his anger masked by the grief that he no doubt felt when Loki fell and I was banished.

"Did you mourn?" Loki asked angrily glaring at Thor and then at me, as if it was my fault Thor was touching him.

"We all did. Our father..." Thor began but was cut off by Loki who put his index finger up in the universal sign of 'shut up'

"Your father, He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?" Thor let go of Loki and he walked away from us, which caused me to step next to Thor and touch his shoulder gently. I hadn't noticed how far Loki had walked until Thor stepped forward tears gleaming in his eyes.

"We were raised together, we played together, we fought together" he glanced at me as I walked next to him, sticking close just incase he needed some support "Do you remember none of that?" Loki turned around and glared at us both.

"I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I was and should be king!" he shouted, his fists clenching in anger.

"You think you lived in a shadow, try being me growing up" I glared at Loki my anger flaring at up at the fact that he was acting like he was abused through out our childhood. Both boys looked at me and Loki sighed in understanding, he'd been there every time Odin had locked me in a cage for my own protection.

Thor ignored my growling and turned back to Loki with a grunt "So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights. No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki" Thor made a grab for Loki again but he was to slow.

Loki laughed harshly "And you're doing a marvellous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you idly threat. I mean to rule them. And why should I not?" he glanced at me and smirked seeing that I was almost at the edge of my patience, my skin began to burn slowly as I glared back at him murderously, my other side coming out.

"You think yourself above them" Thor mumbled shaking his head as if our idiot brother wasn't just that, an idiot.

"Well, yes" Loki smirked harder, if that was even possible.

"Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. Throne would suit you ill" Loki push Thor and I out of the way and walked up the slope so he could stand on the ledge of the cliff. Following him gingerly I glanced up at the flap of wings and saw my fathers two ravens perch in a dead tree close by meaning that he was watching every move we were making.

"I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson" he said Thor's last name as if it were poison "in my exile! I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it..." He was interrupted by Thor's growl.

"Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?" I asked before Thor could causing Loki to look at me with hate filled eyes.

In a second Loki had stepped forward and had slapped me hard across the face "I am a king!" He shouted as I held my throbbing cheek tenderly.

"Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home" Thor tried to reason as my grip on my self control continued to slip, just a little more a voice whispered in my head.

"I don't have it. You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I know not where" Loki smirked as Thor opened his left hand and Mjölnir flew from it's resting place and back to his grasp.

"You listen well, brother. I..." Thor was cut off by a flash of red and gold signalling that Tony was here, while in mid flight Tony tackled Thor and they fell off the mountain and down into the forest below.

"I'm listening" Loki said sarcastically knowing full well what had happened. My self control finally gave out and my body morphed into a very large beast, it's fur was the same ash blonde as my hair and it's eyes were a pulsating purple.

Swiping a very large paw at Loki, my beast knocked him on his ass and a deep growl rumbled from its chest causing Loki to whimper and shrink away from it. Snorting my beast jumped down into the black abyss that was the forest to search for Thor and Tony.


Hey guys long time no update I know but I think I've found my inspiration, so I'm hoping to update again very soon.... I promise.

~~ Katt xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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