My Time with N

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Summary: It's been years since they broke up, though the raven has changed a lot. He became a famous writer and a better person, but he can't seem to forget the blonde so, he writes an article for a magazine. Will the blonde read it?

Rating: T (Teen)


We didn't end up together. Our story I not like some kind of fairy tale with a happy ending. We had our share of heartache and fights, but we also had our share of making love and the feeling like we were floating. We had our fair share of good and bad memories. And though we didn't get to escape into the sunset together like a romantic comedy, I still feel that I have a story that needs to be told of my time with N.

Those whom know me well, or knew me in high school, those who know my past will know just who N is. Those that don't will have to let their imagination find the best guess, because like everyone in this article, N is a real person and therefore will be called by his first initial.

N is not famous, though all he ever wanted is people to accept him. Readers may be wondering what possible importance he could have brought to my life. Well, let me tell you, N is one of the people that influenced me the most. N made me who I am today. I was a jerk to N. I was in love with N. I had my heart broken by N, though this is by no means a article to bash him, I've done my fair share of that through out my fictional writings. This is about my time with him and how much he changed me. He changed me for the better, and forever I'll be grateful toward him, and I'm just sorry that he didn't get to see the change first hand while we were still together. It had to take a break up to bring about this change; it took heartbreak to change me. N, you know who you are, and if you're reading this, I'm sorry.

Our problem never was not enough love; we loved each other so much that there aren't even enough words to describe it. The problem was that I wouldn't admit just how much he meant to me. I acted like it didn't matter to me if he left, but when he did I fell apart. I was arrogant and thought he'd never leave, as if he needed me when really I was the one that needed him. When he left me I saw all that was wrong with my life, I saw what he always wanted me to see. I was head over heels in love with him, but I realized it all too late. But I'm getting ahead of myself, to really know the story I have to go back to when our relationship fist began.

Dark black eyes scanned the page as he read what he had written, what was now published. One would think he had everything in the world, but as he read on he found that he had nothing at all. He had money, but in the end money means nothing if you don't have someone to share it with. He was still in love with a man from his past and he knew nothing would ever change what he felt.

His pale hand moved a black strand out of his pale face as he let out a sigh. The raven looked at the page, his editor asked him if he really wanted to write about the past, if he really wanted to remember it, but he knew that he had to. It was just an autobiographical short story, if one could truly call it that; it was something to satisfy the people he worked for that wanted to please a fanbase. It was just something to be published in a world-renowned writing magazine, which be copied into other languages, and would be read by people around the world. That's what he tried to write it off as at least. Deep down he knew that it was hardest thing for him to write; to admit that he had been the one in the wrong and that everything that had happened he'd done to himself. It was his time with "N" and it was the time that meant the most to him, it was the one thing that had been able to change the stubborn raven.

My editor didn't want me to write this, she didn't want me to think that there might be a possibility he'd read this and come back to me. I don't expect him to read this, after all that's happened; I don't expect him to read anything that I write. I got out all of my harsh feelings toward him, I no longer feel the hurt and pain I once did, and that's how I know I'm ready to tell this story. I need to let it out.

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