Everybody's Wrong

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Summary: Sooner or later people will start to believe the rumors and sooner or later everybody gets their heart broken. The problem is, not everyone will listen to the full story, but most people will take a side. No happy ending. AU - Modern Setting. Break-up/past-NaruSasu

There are two sides to every story sometimes people forget that, especially during a break up. There had always been rumors about Uchiha Sasuke. The man was gorgeous. He had dark mysterious eyes, perfect bone structure, the perfect body, and the money to match. The man was a magnet for both men and women, and therefore, he had plenty of opportunity. He had many suitors who didn't give up just because he was with somebody and so most people just assumed that he'd take people up on their offer – even though half of his suitors were women and he was gay.

Uzumaki Naruto had started off as Sasuke's best friend, though as they grew up their attraction grew as well and eventually they started dating. They were a stark contrast to each other, where Sasuke was pale with dark hair and eyes; Naruto was tan with blue eyes and blonde hair. They were also opposites in their personalities. Naruto was optimistic and outgoing, while Sasuke had a bit of a pessimistic side and liked to stay home and was quiet when they did go out.

Most people thought it was doomed to fail from the start. Neither one of them wanted to believe that everybody might be right when it came to that. Though they could often be opposites, they still had their similarities where it mattered. Sasuke trusted Naruto enough to accept that he'd go out to the bar while he worked. Or at least that's what he told Naruto he did. Lately the work had seemed to be piling up and his nights were getting later, it made it harder for Naruto to believe that it was merely work.

It was rather late at night and Naruto was sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for Sasuke to return home. He knew the reason Sasuke always gave was work and he doubted it would be any different that night. He usually would believe him, knowing that Sasuke was a bit of a workaholic and always had been, but the rumors were finally starting to get to him.

He thought about the previous Friday and his conversation with Kiba as he sat alone waiting on his boyfriend. He didn't want to believe what people had been saying but it took over his mind every time he received a text from Sasuke saying he'd be late again.

He and Kiba sat at the bar, talking like they usually would on a Friday night. When Sasuke and Naruto's relationship first began, Naruto would always leave early to get back to Sasuke, but over time that had changed. "Don't you need to get back to your boyfriend?" Kiba asked, truly curious. When he first started staying later Kiba would tease him, but now it was truly concerning that Sasuke wasn't blowing up Naruto's phone with questions of when he'd be home.

"He's been working late," Naruto answered before he downed the rest of his beer. "You know how he is," the blonde shrugged as he gave a weak smile. Neither of them really believed Naruto's words, not with all of the things people said about Sasuke. Naruto always brushed it off as jealous people spreading rumors to tear them apart.

"Are you sure that he's working?" Kiba asked, putting emphasis on the words "working" so that Naruto would know exactly what he was implying. His words were to remind Naruto of all the times people said Sasuke was really out having an affair while Naruto foolishly believed him.

"I thought that I was," Naruto frowned as he looked at the beer the bartender sat in front of him. "But I'm not anymore," he admitted. "I mean it would make sense as to why he's gone all of the time," Naruto sadly said. Kiba just nodded, not knowing what else he could say.

He had decided that that night would be the night, it was the night he was going to end it. If Sasuke could only see him on the weekends and late at night, it made Naruto think that there had to be something, or more somebody else. With everything everyone said, he could no longer believe that it was only work keeping him from coming home.

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