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Description: The night had seemed perfect: two best friends watching a movie together. Sasuke never meant for a slip of the tongue to ruin it all. If only he weren't in love with his best friend.  

Rating: T (rated for one cuss word)


Movie night, it was a tradition that took place every Friday night at Naruto's house. In high school, everyone in the relatively large group of friends made sure to never miss a single movie night. If they missed a night that person often acted as if it were the end of the world, as teenagers often do when they have to miss something all of their other friends are attending.

Over the years the numbers seemed to dwindle down as people moved on with their lives. Some people moved away for college while others opted for a more social life like going out to bars and meeting new people. Some people still came, but their group was far smaller and less consistent. The only two that were constants were Naruto and Sasuke. Sometimes they were the only two there at all sometimes, which they both secretly preferred.

Many people didn't understand why Naruto and Sasuke were best friends, to most they seemed as if they were polar opposites. Naruto was the happy, loud, goofball that would try to make friends with anyone. Sasuke was the quiet, smart, seemingly emotionless guy who tried to push everyone away. It seemed as if their relationship shouldn't work, but when it got down to it they truly understood each other. They were good for each other, Naruto knew how to make Sasuke loosen up and have fun, and Sasuke knew how to make the blonde be serious and know when it's time to shut up. Sasuke was sure that Naruto felt like they were like brothers. The problem was that Sasuke was wishing they were more.

The movie lit up the screen, it was close to the end and yet it was somewhat boring. The raven-haired man let out a yawn, already half asleep. For the past ten minutes he had been using Naruto's shoulder as a pillow and so he had been in heaven. The blonde's arm had been stretched over the back of the couch, making his position much more comfortable. He was going to use every excuse he could to even just touch the blonde without being suspicious. 'Damn it why am I torturing myself like this?' he asked himself, wondering if he should just sit up and use the fact that he's tired as an excuse to leave.

The raven's eyes started to drift shut to the point where Naruto thought that he was sleeping. He looked down at the pale man and felt a small smile creep onto his face. His feelings for Sasuke had been borderline friendship and something more ever since they were teenagers. He knew that it might just be that he was in denial and didn't want to admit that he was in love with his best friend. His hand that wasn't behind the raven gently brushed the hair out of the other man's eyes. 'Why does he have to be so damn beautiful?' Naruto wondered as he looked at him, not even realizing the movie had ended.

Sasuke sat up, surprising the blonde, "I guess that I should get going." He signaled toward the television that was rolling the credits, seeing the blonde's confused look. "And I thought I was tired, you didn't even realize the movie was over," Sasuke smirked.

"Shut up," Naruto clamed down. He had thought that moving Sasuke's hair had freaked out the raven and that was why he was leaving. "I'll walk you out," he smiled as he got up, stretching his limbs.

"Uh, sorry for using you as a pillow by the way," Sasuke said awkwardly. The man wasn't good at apologies, but he was getting better as time went by.

"It's fine Sasuke," Naruto laughed as he pats him on the back. "If I were annoyed by it, I just would have pushed you off the couch," he teased confidently.

"Hn. Like you could," he scoffed at the idea. He had the trademark Uchiha smirk on his face, which already made Naruto want to smack him, but he didn't.

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