Chapter 1

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The great golden plains of the African Serengeti stretched for miles and miles. The air was hot, due to the heatwave. Today was the first day. This heatwave was going to be tough; the nights were going to be no cooler than the hot summer days before the scorching heatwave. However, no one knew that this would last as long as it did. And now, is just the beginning of dried watering holes, sandstorms creating brand new deserts, which block out the savanna's lushness, blood drenched soil, littered fur, the great wars.

Amunet, the hyena matriarch lay among a big, sharp shard of slate stabbing out of the ground. She tensed her powerful legs, standing herself up. She scanned the area of her clan. Everyone amongst Dark-Sand Tribe was resting, enjoying the hot sun. Cubs clawed and pounced at each other playfully. Everything was peaceful, though Amunet worried a small bit. What if this heatwave, forms into a drought? What if the clan doesn't survive the heatwave? The matriarch thought to herself. Her ears flicked back. I'm worrying too much. Everything will be fine - well - temperature-wise. We still have lion issues. Those brutes won't give up their killing... Amunet snarled a bit, but lay back down once more. She didn't want that idea nipping at her peaceful mind. She just wanted to relax.

Amunet heard rustling in the bushes. She flicked her ears forward, to try to hear more. Whatever was hiding there was not silent... but maybe more deadly? She stood up once more. She spoke "Hyenas of Dark-Sand," the clan members stood, padding toward the matriarch. Even the cubs stopped playing to go see her, to pay attention to her announcement. "I sense danger is near. Place your cubs in the den. I will ask the males to go in with the cubs, and protect them. Just because, well, the males of our clan are only taught a bit of fighting, but they're mainly taught herbs and healing, and I don't wanna risk more clan members being severely injured. And huntresses, I will put you in three groups; one will guard near the bush, ready to fight. The other two will guard the other nearby shrubs. Lapis, Bastet, and Sekhmet. You three guard the bush in the middle of our camp, where I think I heard the rustling. And just in case the stranger moved, Cherry Blossom, Baobab, and Sandfall will guard the bush to the right. And last, Geena, Acacia and I will guard the left bush. If any of you do not want to fight, you don't have to. You can help guard the cubs. We need an extra paw on that."

"I don't really wanna fight... I wanna make sure my cubs are doing okay, I think I will guard." Cherry Blossom explained.

Amunet nodded her head, smiling. "Yes, I understand. You can go see your cubs." Cherry Blossom padded away, and Amunet's smile faded to a serious expression. She scanned all the groups. Everything was going well, except one thing; Baobab and Sandfall didn't have another member. Though Amunet handled it easily. She glared over at the den, where the males were guarding. Most of the male hyenas were taught herbs, and healing instead of becoming a warrior, though some of them were also trained for fighting. "Any of you males wanna join the fight, alongside Baobab and Sandfall?" Amunet questioned. One male nodded. "Mulele, I appreciate your bravery. Please step up to the right shrub with Baobab and Sandfall." She murmured. Then she leaped down from the stone she was resting on, and stood beside Acacia and Geena. Geena was her deputy, so she decided it would be the best if they were both in the same group. Now they all waited, they're claws unsheathed.

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