Chapter 4

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Many paws hit the ground, forming clouds of dust behind them. The clan had began the journey to a new territory. The matriarch stopped abruptly, her muscles stiffening. All hyenas became alert. The great matriarch sniffed the warm morning air. She then turned her head to the clan. "I scent wild dogs, but the stench is old. They must have moved on. I will go ahead, all of you, wait here," her nose pointed to a single acacia tree, providing shade for the clan. "I will go see if there is a good den site ahead. I'll probably be about thirty minutes." The clan obeyed, laying down beneath the branches of the flat-topped acacia. Amunet padded off, disappearing into the pink sunrise.

She had been walking for about fifteen minutes now, but in a decent pace; just the right speed to spot a possible territory, but get over enough land so that it wouldn't take weeks to find a den. Amunet felt as if she was being watched. She stopped. She saw a black canine-like face emerge from the tall grass. Its glare was cold and unwelcoming. The land she was currently on seemed nothing like any animal's territory; there were no animal scents, just the normal wild flower and sometimes nearby prey. She was about to walk the opposite way, as she was not looking for a fight, even though the creature was small, and she could most likely kill it in one bite. But no, more shadowy bodies of the same creatures started emerging, until she was cornered; a horde of African wild dogs had surrounded her. Their growls and cruel laughter filled the air surrounding Amunet, ringing in her ears. She took out her claws, ready to defend. One African wild dog hurled itself toward her, nipping at her. She twisted around, though before she could claw it, it scurried back to its place. While her head was turned, two other African wild dogs nipped her. As she turned again, to fight, one escaped, but she got it hooked to her claws. It yipped. She lifted her paw, tossing it onto the other wild dog that had escaped. Wherever she wasn't looking, more African wild dogs bit her. She only got a few. She then tried to run toward a group of African wild dogs and attack, but then, more African wild dogs crowded behind her, pulling her back. She twisted around quickly, pouncing on the African wild dogs behind her. She clawed them all, yips rising from the pile. She then bit one on the neck very hard, and it howled in pain, falling to the ground. The African wild dogs did not seem sorry for their lost pack member, Amunet could just sense more fear in them. The African wild dogs kept attacking her; she was outnumbered. But then, out of nowhere, Geena appeared, running toward Amunet! All of the African wild dogs decided the fight was over, running, cowardly.

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