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Y/n pov

I'm nuzzled into Giyu now still sore from last night, he called me into training today knowing my legs were too sore. 

His hand rubbed my back, "okay love, I'm going to have to leave soon," he sat up, I groaned and sat up with him.
"Your welcome to stay here all day if you'd like otherwise you may go home it's up to you if you stay, don't be afraid to shower and eat" he gave me a kiss and his stoic walls went back up.

I stretched and he tossed a robe to me for now,
"I already have people washing your clothes" he smiled as he got dressed.

I stood up and my leg gave up but I made sure to catch myself he was quick to come to my aid.

"I'm okay, just sore" I groaned and pulled the robe over my shoulders, "okay love I was just worried" he put his arm under me and helped me walk to the bathroom. He sat me on the sink and started the shower.

"Don't worry I'll make periodic checks on you throughout the day" he kissed my head then opened the bathroom door. Blowing me a kiss then leaving.

-time skip-

I decided to show up to training with Shinobu today I didn't want to miss it when I just needed a little time to get ready and regain strength. As I started my walk to the butterfly estate, I decided to walk past Giyu training with Tanjiro and Ino, as I saw him sweating and nicely toned it gave me flashbacks to last night I bit my lip as I continued then I guess Tanjiro saw me and yelled "HI Y/N" I turned to wave and saw Giyu give me a confused look. But blushed and waved, walking down to the butterfly estate seeing the girls waiting for me.

They looked unhappy.

As I got closer I walked faster, then finally face to face with the girls.
Shinobu shook her head "Y/n. Did you or did you not call in to training today"
"I, did not call in" I pointed to myself "But Giyu did."
"No, I told him it was okay, he was sweet!" I smiled and blushed. They paused and looked at me,

"Is he your boyfriend?"
"YOU were with him last night?"
"Is he any good?"
"What's his size"
"Did he make you cum?"

"Uhm yes, yes, yes, large, and many times" I smiled Shinobu's expression dropped,
"No training today instead it's a girls day!" She grabbed my wrist and we went inside.

After spending the day with the girls I was getting ready to leave so I could match when Giyu would get to his estate.

As I left, Giyu waited for me at the gate, and waved with a soft smile.

I sped walked to him and held his arm.

"It's not smart to train with sore legs" he teased
"Ha ha," I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss,
"We didn't train we talked about you"
"Oh, how'd that go?"
"Like...a lot of question and asking how the sex was."
"Are they not children?"
"It's a girl thing" I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Then we should do some training" he winked as we arrived at my estate.

"At mine?"
"Yeah I like your training facility better" he opened the door for me. As we made our way out to the mats, we grabbed our wooden swords and stood our ground.

"Let's see who really dominates" I teased him
"We already did" he smirked, then I charged at him he did the same I swung for his side quickly thinking he wouldn't catch up but he did and swung for my leg. Taking me out quicker then usual.

My legs went up and my back hit the ground, Giyu stood over me.
"Again." He reached for me; I took his hand and helped myself up.

This time I let him charge first as he came I jump and took a double jump by leaping off his sword, doing a flip and landing behind him before he could react I swung at his side knocking him on his ass.

I snickered and reached a hand to help him up.
I gave him a kiss as he got up.
"Again." He was in a training mode, and I still giggly.
As we charged again this time he simply stopped, and I ran head first into him knocking myself over.

He stood over me,
"That was rude" I reached up for his hand he pulled me up, "no your just not thinking." He raised a brow,

"Again." I growled not liking how I'm losing,
I charged first, I swung for his thigh he hit my side knocking me off balance, but I quickly recovered although he was ready to strike again and I was not, he charged and I jumped over him, he quickly turned around and swung as my back, so I landed weird, as I tried to regain my balance he swung again but I backed up so he missed, he tried again and I blocked it with my sword, he raised his foot to kick me back, and I almost fell but recovered quick enough so it wouldn't count, I took a swing and hit him in the side.

He grunted but shook it off, I raised my arm to swing again but this time he didn't block my sword he blocked my hand hitting my wrist with his sword and I dropped mine out of pain.

I gasped and tried to pick it up but he pushed me back from it and started to guard me from getting it, I charged at him and jumped over him again, but he kicked my sword to the corner we both glanced at each other then the sword it was right against the wall I decided to run for it.

Jumping for it I missed he got there first but I couldn't slow in time and he grabbed my hand spun me and pinned me to the wall of my estate.

I looked up at him seeing he dropped his sword to do this, I blushed,
"Hey!" I smiled he pushed his nose against mine,
"Gotta be faster" he kissed my nose "love you" he winked then tossed me to the ground.

He laughed at my face,
"That was dirty!" I giggled "yeah?" He asked laughing at me
"And so was your mouth last night yet here we are." He tossed me my sword, my jaw dropped yet I found it funny.
"Again," he calmed himself still a little silly
"Again" I repeated as we got in our stances.

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