Nezuko x fem! Injured! Reader
Contains light gore
Y/n pov
On the hardest mission of my life, battling against one of the toughest demons in awhile. Until finally, he clawed my stomach knocking me to the ground.
I was bleeding out,
"Ah!" I groaned and tried to block incoming attacks with my sword.I was losing, in a flash Tanjiro came to help mesh battled with the demon until he too was on the ground, landing on his back.
Nezuko however, started to fight with him, giving him a good fight.
I stood up getting ready to help her, I reached for my sword and through it directly through his abdomen. Nezuko pushed it in father then dragged it up cutting him in twos started to mold back together and charged at me. Nezuko on his trail, I dropped to the ground tripping him.
Then stood to catch Nezuko from tripping over him, in a quick motion slicing the back of his neck, he turned his head around and laughed hysterically.
My vision was going blurry, I was losing a lot of blood.
But every time he would strike at Nezuko I was there to block it until, Tanjiro woke up, three on one.
I raised my sword to slice an arm off distracting him from Tanjiro as he saw what I was doing and rushed getting a clean cut off the shoulders.
I could now sit down and tend to my wounds, Tanjiro collected blood from the demon.
"Stay here, I'll get help I know Shinobu is on her way with medicine!" He jumped to get to high ground trying to find Shinobu.
I rested there Nezuko staring at me,
"Hey cutie" I smiled clicking a finger gun at her,
She hummed at me and decided to sit closer working to stop the bleeding."Nezuko, I don't know if I'll make it." I held her hand over my wound she looked up at me, tears filling her eyes.
"Please protect are incredible." I rested my forehead on hers, she started whining and growling.
"I love you," I admitted she gazed into my eyes comprehending what I said.
I started to doze off, my eyes getting tired Nezuko was shaking me but I couldn't hold myself up anymore.Finally I woke up, in a bright room, the butterfly estate,
Nezuko had all the blinds closed patiently waiting by my bed, "N-Nezuko?" I called, she perked up and stood up coming to caress my face."I made it." I smiled staring into her eyes I put my hand over hers on my cheek and she raised it to her muzzle.
"Nezuko, you can't take this off"
Her brows furrowed,
"Why?" I pulled my hand away, she wasn't drooling she couldn't have been wanting to eat me."MM!" She growled again, I smiled at her,
"I don't need to be scolded right now" she rolled her eyes and pulled the sheets off me.Laying next to me, I scooted to give her room. On my bandaged chest she traced.
"I love you too"
I gazed at her pink eyes, I blinked a few times
"You love me too?" She nodded I brought her into a hug she eagerly hugged back making sure to give me a squeeze. I put my hand behind her head and tugged at the knot holding her muzzle on.The muzzled loosened and Nezuko raised her head. For the first time I saw her without her muzzle.
"Nezuko?" I questioned making sure she was okay, she lowered herself giving me a long kiss, I gladly excepted melted into her lips.
Pulling away slowly
"I love you too, Y/n" she smiled her voice soft like flowers making me hold her close."You...are so perfect" I ran my hands through her hair. She smiled and nuzzled her face into my neck.
"We can stay like this forever" I started to rub her back,
"Forever and ever" she giggled snuggling into me.