Tanjiro x fem! Reader
WARNING-virgin,choking, aggressive, teasing, kink
Y/n pov
We have been together for about 2 months I still haven't let him kiss me, I can tell he has been on edge.
"Y/n." He knocked on my office door,
"Yes," he entered the room,
"Can we talk?"
"Of course!" I smiled softly setting my work aside,
"I was wondering... you never let me kiss you." He frowned disappointed.
"Yes." I admitted
"Do you not like me?" He fiddled with his thumbs.
"No! I really like you!" I was taken back
"Can you please explain"
"Uhm, no." I broke eye contact,
"Why not!" He complained
"Because, I don't want you to get offended" He stood up ready to turn for the door."I've never kissed anyone! What if you don't like it?" I stood he stopped in his tracks, turning around he looked angry.
"You made me wait because you thought I wouldn't like it?" He got closer,
"I'll show you how much I'd enjoy it," he smirked his eyes still angry.He pushed me back onto my desk,
"Tanjiro!" I gasped at his emotions over taking him,
He grabbed at my flowered haori, tugging me into his chest."Y/n please, let me show you how much I would enjoy it." I knew he was no longer referring to kissing me. His fingers needy, running up my thighs.
I wasn't gonna lie this made me wet, I was spilling oceans.
"You'd be my first"
"Hopefully your last."
"Ok." I agreed his lips were magnetic to my neck making dark marks.I felt his teeth, I groaned exposing my neck more for him to practically devour. His fingers traced over my fully clothed heat.
I flinched, pulling myself back a little, his free hand wrapped around the small of my back pulling me closer.
"It'll feel amazing I promise." He teased, I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He ran his hands down to my ass lifting me up, my face slightly above him I leaned down, kissing him.
We melted into each other, it quickly got deeper.
I felt like I was drowning in his passion, he was putting so much love into this kiss. I was pretty much begging for him to go deeper.
Pushing my lips deeper, he started to walk, down the hall, us randomly knocking into walls, we were now making out he pushed me up against the wall next to my bedroom.
"Tanjiro~" I groaned as he pressed himself on me.
"Y/n, would your servants mind? It may get loud."
"Listen here all high and mighty, you'd have to get me there first." I tried knocking him down to size."I'll be suprised if you can take me." He winked then slammed my door open walking in and closing it.
"If your so confident, be more worried about the butterfly estate" I giggled
"Your right, I'll hear about it from Ino later" he tossed me on the bed effortlessly."Ready for this?" He started to undress getting closer exposing his toned muscles, he made his body look effortless, I scooted closer to the end of the bed.
I started to follow his actions undressing myself, he looked amazed, pouncing on me. We were both fully naked, the kissing became too little to satisfy us both.
He started to play with my chest, entertaining himself, he started to play with my buds, I flinched at the sensitivity.
"Awe, already flinching?" His hand wrapped around my throat pushing me back, "t-Tanjiro" I moaned out
"T-t-t-Tanjiro" he mimicked me, I blushed, he started to suck harder making me twist and flinch uncontrollably.Pulling himself away, moving done on me, until he was face to face with my heat. I tried to close my legs, he put his hands in my thighs forcing them down.
"Don't you fucking close on me." He growled I inhaled at the feeling of him about to go down on me.
His lips wrapped around my clit easily, kissing on me. I groaned at the feeling but when he did next I would never have expected.
He started to suck on it, causing me to arch my back and moan out.
"Oh~ Tanjiro!" I wrapped my legs around his head pushing him deeper, he smiled, I felt a finger play with my entrance, he broke into me.
My wetness made it easy for him to slide in i tensed at the new feeling and looked down at him to see him fully focused on making me me feel good.
"Mm" he made me vibrate. I squeaked the humming he did made a vibration kinda feeling,
"Oh! Tanjiro!!" I groaned out, I felt a knot in my stomach, his fingers were nearly grabbing it."I feel something!" I moaned out, he pulled away salvia connecting us I whined out wanted him badly.
"You're about to lose your virginity" he stated
"Ok" I smiled widely opening my legs for him, I glanced down seeing his size. My legs turned to jello."You want this?" He asked liming himself up,
I nodded slowly, he started to push into me, slowly so I could adjust.I felt myself ripping and gripped his shoulders, He leaned in to kiss my neck. I let him both his hands pinned mine on either side of my head.
He started to pull out and push back in, slowly.
I closed my eyes the pain turned into a sensation.
He noticed me moaning and started to speed up."AHhhh~" my heart fluttered it felt amazing to have him tearing me apart, he slide my hands above my head. Hold them both down with one.
Then started to graze spots that jus my felt better, or would randomly slow down, just to speed back up.
"Oh! Tanjiro!" I tried to kiss him but he pulled back my eyes shot open and I watched him draw his thumb down my sweating body.
Then he started to rub my clit, I gasped and started to moan louder.
He was pounding into me, not even hesitant. The combination like nothing Ive ever felt.
Then I felt the same feeling I looked up at Tanjiro, begging eyes, he looked down on me pitifully.
"Already?" He teased then I felt myself give out easily, he just went harder breaking into me. I started tearing up at the aggression he had.
Then finally I felt him stop, and a warmth filled me he gazed into my eyes, leaning down to kiss me as he pulled out.
His dick dripping in cum, "Tan-Tanjiro?" I felt his hands loosen as he laid next to me.
"I love you." I held his hand
"I love you too..." he didn't hesitate, he started to play with my chest again,
"C-can we go again?" He rose a brow
"Yes." I pulled him into a passionate kiss.No demon slaying for us tonight.