Back in the Beginning

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Alexis's POV

Wait, where am I? What happened to me?

I slowly start to open my eyes and regain my vision. I notice that I'm laying on the ground because I could feel the grassy ground underneath me. But that's not the point. I have to figure out where I am.

I slowly start to sit up and look around.

I notice that I'm surrounded by trees. But something about these trees look familiar. These trees aren't huge like how it looks in my size. They look like normal trees back from my home planet, Plackera.

But why would the trees look so normal and fit for my size? Unless I'm-- Oh, no.

My heart literally sinks inside of me, already hoping that I'm not at what I assume to be was my old place.

I literally sprint off running and towards where I assume was the orphanage. The woods that I was in looked familiar, so I know where I was going.

"Please no. It can't be," I say to myself, praying that I'm not back home.

After a few seconds of running, I finally make a stop and look ahead of me. And standing there was the orphanage.

My heart rate increases and my eye widen. I look down as tears start to form in my eyes. This place looks so familiar that I feel that I'm... back from the start.

But what about the others? What happened to them? Whatever happened to Nick?

Now I start to wonder how I got here. The last thing I remember was getting grabbed by that Galra soldier. He then used some sort of device and took some of my powers out of me, and then shot me with it. Or at least that's what it felt like. And then the last thing I thought of was coming back here. Only because the Galra soldier mentioned.

Oh, no. Now it makes so much sense. The Galra soldier used my powers against me.

I then snap out of my thoughts at the sudden thought of me losing my powers. So just to make sure, I held my right hand up in front of me and tried to activate my plasma powers. The burn mark on my hand starts to glow the familiar pink color and some sparks of pink plasma appeared on my hand.

But then, I heard the sound of a door opening from the orphanage building, almost giving me a heart attack at the sudden sound.

"Alexis?!" I heard an oh-so familiar voice yell out to me in the distance, making my eyes go wide.

Oh, no. I totally forgot about Miss Scolder. She gonna kill me for how long I've been missing.


I make it to my old room in the orphanage after having a little "talk" with Miss Scolder. I close the door to my room as I have my hand resting my my cheek, which hurts after getting a slap from Miss Scolder.

I then go walk to my bed and sit on the edge of it. I slowly remove my hand from my cheek as it stings a bit. I don't know what it looks like, so I look at the tall mirror that is sitting in the corner of the room.

I stand back up and walk over to it to get a better look and I could see that my cheek was red. I then let out a sigh.

I had to lie to Miss Scolder on why I went missing for a long time. She said I was missing for over months. I mean, I know I was missing for months, but I didn't think it was that many. That means that my school year is almost over... And that my birthday already passed.

So that means I'm no longer ten years old. Now I'm eleven.

Now I just cant get the thought of not seeing the paladins anymore out of my head. That's probably what's going to happen. Of course I didn't say anything about that to Miss Scolder. All I said was that I was kidnapped, which isn't completely wrong.

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