𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬

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The icy rain that lashed at your body wasn't exactly a comfortable feeling after the Dementor incident.

The Hogsmeade station was packed with students and pets, shrieking and fighting through the torrent that soaked you completely. Hagrid was but an enormous outline in the weather, standing at the other end of the platform as he guides the terrified first-years to the boats.

"All right, you four?" Hagrid yelled over the heads in the crowd upon spotting you and your friends.

You can only wave before the students behind you pushed you off the platform. You almost lost your friends amidst the disheveled crowd if you hadn't grabbed Harry's hand before he trekked through the muddy tracks.

"Sorry, Harry," you apologize, rushing to walk beside him. "I thought I'd lose you there for a second."

The rain made it hard to tell, but you thought Harry's previously pale face regained color at that moment. You didn't get the chance to see it clearly when he begins to take the lead and was a step ahead of you. His hold on you was loose as if he wanted to let go.

"Uh, yeah—sure," said Harry, not sparing you a glance. "It's fine."

Sensing his discomfort, you let go of his hand once the two of you catch up to Hermione and Ron, who were already entering an empty coach. You wanted to look for Ginny and Neville, wondering where they ended up ever since you got separated on the train, but Hermione assures you that you'll see them back in the castle.

The carriage moves on its own after you sat down. An invisible force seems to be driving it up the rough path towards Hogwarts, but you didn't have time to marvel over that small detail because you were far too preoccupied keeping an eye on Harry, who looked sick during the drive. It didn't help that while the carriage was passing through the wrought iron gates, two Dementors were standing ominously on either side of the stone columns.

You hated that your gut feeling was right.

You refuse to look out the window until the carriage stopped. As soon as all four of you got out, you make haste up the stone steps to the open giant oak doors, dying to get out of the rain and to eat something. Food never fails to make you feel better.

The entrance hall was already swarming with students. The marble staircase that led to the upper floors seem to shine under the light of the flaming torches. Warmth seeps into your damp robes, but the small heat provided wasn't enough.

"Potter! Granger! I want to see you both!"

It came as a surprise when Professor McGonagall called for them. Her eyes were sharp behind her square spectacles as she makes her way to your friends. All you and Ron could do is watch while the stern woman ushered both Hermione and Harry away, saying something about speaking to them in her office.

"It's probably nothing," dismisses Ron, who looked anything but reassured at his own words.

The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall was dark and cloudy. You separated from Ron with a quick goodbye before proceeding to the Hufflepuff table. Your fellow housemates looked equally wet from the onslaught of rain outside, their conversations consisting mostly of complaints about the unlucky weather. Delilah was perhaps one of the loudest voices that you could pinpoint her and her twin braids from afar.

"I do hope Periwinkle's fur is dry when we go to our room," she blabbers to a blonde girl beside her, who you realize is Fiona. "Or at least staying off the beds if he's not—oh, there she is!"

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