𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬

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You spent the next few days of Christmas break either at the Gryffindor tower with the Weasleys and Harry or at the library skimming through a book of simple spells for some light reading. After getting a cold every time you went outside, you had searched for some simple heating spells, not wanting to experience it again and drink that horrid medicine.

You would run into Percy and his fellow prefect, Penelope Clearwater, in the library occasionally, although they were quick to leave as soon as they see you. It was odd and honestly confusing, but you let those two to their own devices.

If you were lucky, Fred and George would invite you to their pranking schemes, which was a whole new experience compared to being the victim. Most of the time you wouldn't join them if they were planning on doing tricks on the teachers, but you did have fun when you did them on Ron and Harry. You ended up apologizing to them when you couldn't sleep at night due to your guilty conscience.

Whether you liked it or not, the Christmas holidays seemed to end abruptly, and soon the rest of the students were back at Hogwarts. Susan and Fiona enjoyed their time away from school, even giving you little trinkets. Delilah was the only one of your roommates who had complaints about her holiday.

"Mum's old boyfriend came to spend Christmas with us," she lamented while aggressively petting her white-haired cat. "I don't like him. Mum keeps saying they're just friends, but I highly doubt it."

Once term started, Hermione, Harry and Ron were back to browsing books in the library while being secretive about it. Hermione eventually gave in and told you what they were trying to find if you promised not to ask why.

"We're trying to find out who Nicolas Flamel is," she confessed, "but we haven't found anything yet."

You volunteered to help them, but since your schedules hardly crossed and your breaks even more so, it was quite difficult to catch up to them. Hermione appreciated your efforts and told you that it wasn't necessary, but you still continued to try and find clues about Nicolas Flamel's identity.

You exited the library after another search ( and only a few minutes spent on studying for the final exams) but you still couldn't find anything related to Flamel. You wonder most of the time why your friends were even looking for him, and why they wouldn't tell you, but you kick those doubts to the back of your mind each time. For now, you'll report back to your friends, who are most likely in the Great Hall turned study hall for the day.

You were just walking through a corridor when a group of Slytherins crowded the path ahead. It wasn't until you hear whimpering and Malfoy's mocking laughter did you realize what was going on.

They're bullying someone again.

You grimace when you see Pansy Parkinson among them (you only ever interacted with her once, and that ended up with you in the hospital wing), but her presence doesn't deter you from catching a glimpse of their current victim.

You clasp a hand over your mouth upon seeing Neville Longbottom in the middle of the circle, his legs stuck together with what you recognized as the Leg-Locker Curse. He was hopping around what little space he had, trying to get past the Slytherins. He toppled over when Goyle tripped him.

Everyone was cackling, but you didn't know what was so funny watching Neville being humiliated like that. Your heart was thumping in your chest, but you push aside your fears just as you push aside Malfoy and Crabbe to get to Neville.

"Neville!" You exclaim while helping him as he sat up. "Don't worry, I've got you."

"Oh, look! It's the wimp's girlfriend coming to his rescue," Parkinson remarks. "What's the matter, Longbottom? Aren't you ashamed that a girl has to help you?"

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